• An interesting story about the increased sightings of snowy owls throughout the country. The first one ever seen in Hawaii was recently killed by USDA Wildlife Services because it was near the Honolulu airport. I know many who have seen them this winter in Idaho and Montana. Biologists say that there has been a population…

  • Is the strategy, cut their budgets and make up the difference with a private “appropriation” from the self-interested, cutting out the public? We all know the watchword in Washington has been cut, cut, cut the budgets of all the agencies that look out after the public interest under the guise that we have a terrible,…

  • If you listened to President Obama’s State of the Union Address you may have noticed that the President had some things to say about how this administration values public land: […] I’m directing my administration to allow the development of clean energy on enough public lands to power 3 million homes. For groups working to…

  • Commission gives initial approval on divided vote, but final approval might fail- Like the Lolo in Idaho on the Idaho/Montana border,  the decline of elk in the West Fork of the Bitterroot area (hunting district 250) in Montana in recent years has been widely blamed on wolves, but the Montana wolf hunters can’t seem to…

  • Wolf watching in Yellowstone over the winter holidays far surpassed my expectations. In fact, it turned out to be some of the best ever, at least in terms of numbers. The fact that the Mollie’s pack of 19 wolves unexpectedly turned up in the Northern Range definitely helped! Mollie’s pack is named after Mollie Beattie,…

  • Several recent discussions on The Wildlife News have focused on trends in wolf depredations (i.e. killing of domestic animals), and pondered what they mean for the future of wolves’ management.  The notion that per capita depredations (i.e. depredations per wolf) should increase with time is implicit in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) 2009…

  • The days of Disney-like wildlife film documentaries may be over- Better equipment (that means digital) and perhaps a new breed of wildlife cinematographers are serving to make what the public sees more real. This is very hard because real might not look realistic to audiences raised on special effects. Cinematographers also depend on a number of…

  • Is there any real news in this story, or is it speculation over a minor matter? There is a journalistic adage, “if it bleeds, it leads.”  And near Jospeph, Oregon, in the NE corner of the state, we learn from the Oregonian newspaper on the other side of the state that a mule might have bled.…

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