• The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals overturns the delisting of Grizzly Bears The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld in part, and overturned in part, a Montana federal district court’s decision maintaining Endangered Species Act protections for Grizzly Bears. Court says Yellowstone grizzlies still threatened – AP The ruling from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocks…

  • In Idaho Wildlife Services has historically received most of its funding from the federal government but this year those funds were cut by $247,000. To make up for the shortfall guess where the Idaho livestock industry is going to go. Yup, you guessed it. They are going to the Idaho Legislature with their hands out.…

  • Some good news for the day. An apparently healthy male jaguar has been documented in southern Arizona. This is good news after the Macho B incident where another male jaguar, the only one known to live in the entire US, was trapped and later died due to trapping stress.  We wrote about that incident in…

  • Larry Zuckerman and I recently wrote about a visit to the US Experiment Sheep Station (USSES) operated by the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in eastern Idaho near Dubois and talked about some of the conflicts which are occurring because of the presence domestic sheep in this area which is critical for many sensitive species.…

  • What a turnaround in the space of 3 years! In 2008 I took a 2 week trip to the headwaters of the famed North Fork of the Flathead River in B.C. to say goodbye to one of North America’s premier fish and wildlife areas, not to mention its incredible beauty. Huge open pit coal mines,…

  • Congressional hearings are rigged, but occasionally you can insult congressional tyrants- Public hearings before Congress are hardly ever disinterested forums for gaining policy knowledge. They are mostly set up by the majority party to move or retard legislation or score some political points. Hearings are used to make it appear the public is listened to,…

  • Poachers killed a big bull elk and also illegally transferred wolf tags- Here is the outcome of the matter of the elk poaching Tasmanians in the Idaho wilderness. Many of the details came from an article by Australian reporter Paul Toohey for The Mercury. The 3 men, Darren Tubb, 43, Anton Kapeller, 58, and Samuel…

  • In an implicit acknowledgement that public lands ranching is often incompatible with native species viability on public lands, Margaret Soulen Hinson provides more hyperbolic rhetoric at a hearing of the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands: Public Lands Council Press Release: RANCHERS WARN U.S. FOREST POLICIES THREATEN LIVESTOCK GRAZING Nov. 16, 2011…

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