• According to Senator Max Baucus drone aircraft could potentially be used to kill predators. “Our troops rely on this type of technology every day and there is enormous future potential in border security, agriculture, and wildlife and predator management” – Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) The developers of the drone say that they can sense the…

  • Latest chapter in a thick book of controversy over hunt is being written- The inclusion of most of the area inside Grand Teton National Park (the valley portion) happened after a long and bitter controversy.  The present boundary of the Park was established in 1950 after significant concessions to the usual opponents of change in…

  • A wolf, formerly of the Imnaha Pack in northeast Oregon, has traveled to the Cascade Mountains in Douglas County. While it is not unusual for wolves to disperse very long distances it is the first time that a wolf has been confirmed in southeast Oregon since 1946 when the last Oregon wolf was killed. I…

  • Couple near Joseph, Oregon have plans for a bed and breakfast rejected because they associate with enviros and might enjoy wolves- A couple owning 16 acres of land deemed unsuitable for agriculture have lost their first round in an attempt to build a tiny bed and breakfast on their land because local folks believe they…

  • A potentially devastating virus has been discovered for the first time in Pacific salmon stocks of British Columbia. The disease, infectious salmon anemia (ISA), has devastated Atlantic salmon and salmon farms in Chile, but how the virus will effect Pacific salmon is unknown. The fear is that it could be devastating all along the west…

  • Release of 32 bighorn underway- This release by the Nevada Department of Wildlife, Nevada Bighorns Unlimited and private individuals has taken 20 years to be accomplished. The stock for the release came from Nevada to the south around Stonewall Mountain near Tonapah. They are desert, not Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep.  Bighorn are now back in…

  • Elk hunter injuries said “not life threatening”- This story has been developing all afternoon. The National Parks Traveler is the account that has the most details that I have found so far; but none of these stories point out that he was hunting in the general area where famous grizzlys 399 and 610 have been…

  • European Commission’s plans to class fuel tar sand fuels as “highly polluting” Canada isn’t happy at all about the EU’s plan to classify all tar sand development as “highly polluting.” Such a classification does have teeth. It is more than an insult. Environmental groups are happy because this development in Canada is in fact extremely…

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