Search results for: “Public lands”

  • WWP expands action into Colorado Western Watersheds Project filed suit in Federal Court in Denver, Colorado to stop a 250,000 acre grazing project located on Colorado’s Pike-San Isabel National Forest. […]The grazing has been so severe that the Forest Service’s wildlife specialists stated that if it didn’t change, the Forest Service was risking a widespread…

  • Suit says the corridors, which were drawn up in Bush Administration,were designed to move fossil fuel electricity, not renewable derived electricity- Conflict over electricity production and transmission has a number of sides, e.g., renewable versus fossil fuel, centralized versus distributed, private land versus public, and more. This lawsuit is over the first in the list.…

  • This may or may not be precedent setting, but it would allow public hunting in a national park. This is forbidden except in Grand Teton NP. Editorial. New York Times. Elk Hunting in the Badlands

  • A lot of ecologically important land is going to be put under the bulldozer with this. Secretary Salazar, Senator Reid Announce ‘Fast-Track’ Initiatives for Solar Energy Development on Western Lands – Department of Interior News Release 6/29/09 And some comment : Interior fast-tracks Big Solar on public lands – Chris Clarke, The Clade Note the phrasing: “rapid…

  • Woolgrowers try to spin the decision to muddy the waters on Bighorn/Domestic sheep disease U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill has voided the Payette National Forest Science Advisory Committee’s contribution to management decisions when it decides whether or not to ban or reduce domestic sheep grazing on the Payette National Forest. Federal judge voids bighorn…

  • This time just over half the Republicans voted for it too- Senate Passes Lands Bill One More Time. By Kate Phillips. New York Times. The article indicates that this time the House will not reach for the procedural ease of the suspension of the rules procedure. They will consider the bill, I think, under “regular…

  •  This is important news for management of public lands in sage-steppe country. Judge rules in southwest Idaho grazing case – AP A federal judge has directed the Bureau of Land Management to rethink the way it manages grazing across thousands of acres of southern Idaho, especially the impact livestock have on sage grouse and other threatened…

  • From American Lands Alliance: The Senate is currently debating the economic stimulus bill, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (HR 1), that recently passed the House. Senators are offering amendments to make changes to the bill. We are very concerned about an amendment offered by Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) that waives the National…

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