• A tiny nematode spread by biting flies piles on top of habitat decline and predation- Most know that the moose of NW Wyoming are in serious decline. This has not been the first time because early explorers and settlers reported almost no moose. Nevertheless, in the early 1900s the moose population became established and grew…

  • Quota of three wolves is filled- Montana wolf hunters have killed the small quota of just 3 wolves immediately north of Yellowstone Park, so the wolf hunt there is now closed. It is subunit 313-316 of wolf management unit 390. The quota next to the Park was set low because it is bad public relations…

  • This has to be one of the most egregious incidents of wildlife destruction I’ve heard of in recent times. A farmer has admitted to destroying an entire colony of pelican nests. 2,400 eggs and chicks were destroyed by a farmer who complained that the colony was destroying his crops. Pelicans are protected under the Migratory…

  • This post is in response to 2 scientific publications that have recently been published in the journal Canadian Field-Naturalist. Essentially, these two papers describe two different scenarios where the killing of coyote(s) eventually led to more coyotes in a local area. Many people, especially hunters that I have talked (or argued) with over the years,…

  • Pack has declined from 16 to 4, with 2 on death row- The execution of two members of the Imnaha Pack has been stayed by the Oregon Court of Appeals. They wolves might yet be put to death. With just 2 wolves remaining after that the Imnaha Pack would very likely disappear, especially because one…

  • The sage grouse population of Idaho has been in steep decline for years. It is now getting to the point where hunting has declined to a one-week season where hunters are limited to one bird a day. It seems a bit odd to me that there isn’t more outrage by the hunting community over this…

  • Denial of Livestock Industry’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari seals the fate of Bush era grazing regulations on 160,000,000 acres of public land On Monday, October 3rd the United States Supreme Court denied consideration of an appeal by the Public Lands Council of prior federal court decisions won by Western Watersheds Project that overturned the…

  • Demise of the Imnaha Pack is hardly the end of wolves in Oregon- Sneakcat has a story on this cheerful news. The Ochoco Mountains cover a large expanse of northcentral Oregon. They are not very high, but sprawl over a big area with many small drainages and only few well known points of tourist attraction…

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