• The sow was implicated in the two Park deaths by grizzly this summer- Finally two stories come together — the couple attacked near Wapiti Lake near Canyon and the lone hiker found dead by grizzly deep in the Hayden Valley. The Park Service decided it was done by the same female grizzly bear. Her earlier…

  • Livestock owners’ wild imagination about predators not limited to the West- Here is a little time out from the yarns and tales they spin in the Western United States about the vicious predators’ amazing feats of carnage.  Supposedly a 10-member  coyote pack  came into a bison enclosure where there were 14 bison and somehow drove…

  • Two injured in what could have been fatal attack on road between local cornfields- Although most wild animal attack accounts seem to involve bears, autumn is a time when the behavior of male deer, elk and moose can become problematic. A resident of Whitney, Idaho, which is just southeast of Preston and near the Utah…

  • Western Watersheds Project wins initial court victory  Western Watersheds Project (WWP) has won a federal court order overturning the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Resource Management Plans (RMPs) for the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve in Idaho and the Pinedale Field Office in Wyoming.  These two plans affect management on over 2.5…

  • This topic is not new here, but what about all those who blame the govmint? Pine forests, especially lodgepole pine and whitebark pine are being killed by bark beetles at an incredible rate from the Yukon (that is not in the USA) to Mexico (not America either). There is controversy among scientists why the beetles…

  • In the most recent issue of the journal, Science my colleagues and I argue that the wildlife trust doctrine (a branch of the broader public trust doctrine) may provide a legal means for interested citizens to compel states to conserve controversial species such as wolves. We argue that this common law doctrine fills the gap…

  • Controversial since 1950, critics make renewed effort to close this unique national park elk hunt- It was part of the deal that made Jackson Hole National Monument into a national park back in 1950. This elk hunt in a fairly small, but prominent part of the Park has always been controversial. There is a new…

  • “Why You Should Eat Yak Instead of Beef-“ Maybe folks ought not just “like” this on Facebook. Send it to your governors.  Oregon’s governor could use a copy now. Why You Should Eat Yak Instead of Beef. By Christopher Ketcham. Truthdig.

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