Search results for: “bison”

  • This new bison hunt is controversial, but I see as necessary in the short run because of the continued winter feeding of elk in Wyoming, which by default also means feeding bison in the winter. It is controversial because it is hardly a hunt. It is a herd reduction measure. The Yellowstone bison are not…

  • Story by the Associated Press. If Montana is not willing to provide bison habitat, I’d certainly prefer that tribes get their treaty priority first. Montana should not just get to suck off of the surplus from Yellowstone Park. If they want bison to hunt, they should allow bison to use the vacant habitat just west…

  • It seems the cattle industry has maintained it’s scapegoat for the time being. Montana representative Rehberg killed a house amendment based on Schweitzer’s plan to buffer the rest of the state’s brucellosis free status from those that wander around Yellowstone. That would have protected the buffalo AND the livestock industry’s sacred brucellosis free status. Rehberg…

  • post 1200 Rather than slaughter the bison it just captured, public opinion has once again forced Montana to once again push them into the Park. The push continues today. Yesterday Park visitors witnessed the unprecedented hazing of bison all the way to 7-Mile Bridge and beyond (on the West Entrance road). Associated Press story. Next…

  • -Important update. See the June 12 story on bison- I don’t like to step on the story that federal Judge Winmill just overturned Bush’s bastardized BLM rules because it is the more important story, but folks will probably be more likely to read that Montana has doublecrossed folks and captured the bison and sent the…

  • This came from a Buffalo Field Campaign news release today. Buffalo in the News 6/5/07 LTE: Golden Pen Award ~ Right a wrong, preserve wild bison. Billings Gazette (Montana) 6/5/07 LTE: Bison wrong target for DOL slaughter. Billings Gazette (Montana) 6/4/07 Officials hopeful they won’t have to truck renegade bison Billings Gazette (Montana) 6/2/07…

  • The repreive given the bison has worked so far,  and no more brucellosis has been found in testing of cattle around Montana. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is never determined how the cattle at Bridger, Montana got brucellosis. Story in Billings Gazette. By Jan Falstad

  • Eric Stewart of BFC has published an article in CounterPunch: Notes of a Buffalo Campaigner Censorship and Cop Brutality in the New Bison Wars By Eric Stewart It is certainly worth a read and may shed light on what BFC activists perceive coming from agencies.


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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