Search results for: “public lands grazing”

  • Recently we were informed of a new effort by two conservation groups, a Native American tribe and livestock interests “to secure $25 million from the upcoming 2012 Farm Bill to help livestock producers reduce the risk of livestock losses to grizzly bears, wolves, black bears and mountain lions.” This taxpayer money is meant to “reduce…

  • Even after 18 years, the Nevada BLM won’t round up trespassing cattle citing “safety concerns”.   I’ve seen the lack of enforcement of rangeland standards on many occasions but when faced with even the most egregious lawlessness, the BLM does nothing.  The lawlessness of public lands ranching is displayed in its full grandeur and leaves…

  • REVA (H.R. 3432) Would Provide Cash Option for Grazing Permittees Conservationists hailed the introduction of the Rural Economic Vitalization Act (H.R. 3432) in Congress, a bill that would allow federal grazing permittees to voluntarily relinquish their grazing permits back to the managing federal agency in exchange for compensation paid by a third party. The bill…

  • Obama willing to waste billions of dollars to destroy the natural environment, less willing to spend a pittance to conserve it In a recent email from Vice President Joe Biden, the White House chose, among the umpteen thousand examples of government waste, a federally funded Desert Tortoise website as its whipping-boy to highlight what it…

  • Online Messenger #177 Western Watersheds Project wins in Oregon, Nevada, and Idaho and Continues our Push For Environmental & Fiscal Responsibility Throughout the West ~ Jon Marvel Friends, Western Watersheds Project, with the help of many of our allies in the conservation community, has been bringing much needed change to public lands and wildlife management…

  • Perhaps, but where is the public lands grazing reform? These are the establishment groups’ views. Environmentalists draft bold roadmap for Obama. By Dina Cappliello. AP in the Huffington Post.

  • Sometimes there are comments that are just so good, they should be brought to the front as a post. “BE” decided to calculate how much cattle consumed compared to elk. Remember that these animals compete for forage on the range. Read on. . . Webmaster. BE wrote: Interesting facts for hunters who care about elk…

  • Cattle grazing, a practice that dates back to the creation of Grand Teton National Park and is also observed in a dozen other parks, is a part of the park’s historical legacy. However, that legacy is still creating conflicts between park values and livestock interests.  A current controversy is over a $700,000 fence in the…

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