Search results for: “Public lands”

  • The seminal work on public lands livestock grazing and its web of impacts, Welfare Ranching – The Subsidized Destruction of the American West is now available for download.

  • On August 30, 2024, the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks (MDFWP) closed the Big Hole River to fishing due to high water temperatures. When water temperatures rise, cold-water fish like trout are stressed and more susceptible to disease and even being caught due to low water concentrating fish in the remaining holes. One…

  • “The idea of wilderness needs no defense.  It only needs defenders.” Ed Abbey Abbey was right.  There have been a number of books and articles over the last twenty or thirty years that have critically examined the ever-diminishing conservation ethics of those who work for environmental groups, both nationally and regionally.  One early critic I…

  • The sagebrush steppe dominates the drier parts of the West, including parts of Southeast Oregon, much of Nevada, southern Idaho, western Wyoming, western Colorado, western Utah, and parts of New Mexico. Sagebrush steppe covers 165 million acres of the West. Due to many factors, including farming, ranching, subdivisions, and, most importantly, range fires, sagebrush vegetation…

  • We do not want those whose first impulse is to compromise. We want no straddlers, for, in the past, they have surrendered too much good wilderness and primeval areas which should never have been lost. – Bob Marshall on the founding of the Wilderness Society There is an unfortunate tendency on the part of conservationists…

  • Impacts are Equal to Population multiplied by Tools multiplied by Energy available to drive those Tools Editors Note: The Wildlife News has a history of tackling difficult and sometimes uncomfortable or disturbing topics. This may be one for you… For those of us who care about our public lands and wildlife, we need to pull…

  • Paper from University of Wyoming PHd student sheds fresh light on a question that’s vexed biologists for decades. By Christine Peterson, Wandering through the rolling foothills of the Wind River Range near Dubois, lives a bighorn sheep herd famous for both its abundance and scarcity.  A herd that once helped reseed bighorn sheep populations…

  • I studied geography in grad school. One of the basic premises of geography is that maps can show graphical concepts and ideas that might not be obvious with other forms of communication. The map of roads in Greater Yellowstone serves as a powerful tool, revealing a reality that many fail to grasp. Despite the protection…

Jonathan Ratner

Jonathan Ratner has been in the trenches of public lands conservation for nearly 25 years. He started out doing forest carnivore work for the Forest Service, BLM, and the Inter-agency Grizzly Bear Study Team, with some Wilderness Rangering on the Pinedale Ranger District. That work lead him directly to deal with the gross corruption within the federal agencies’ range program.

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