Search results for: “sage grouse”

  • Salazar Strikes Again, Denying Meaningful Protection for Imperiled Tiny Bunny of the Sagebrush Sea The declining condition of the Sagebrush Sea has been highlighted on a couple of occasions over the past couple of weeks.  In recent Washington state news we learned that jackrabbits in sagebrush habitats are diminishing.  Pygmy rabbits were rejected ESA protections…

  • …..and GUT the Endangered Species Act. The details of the overreach. The States are asking their congressional delegations to GUT the Endangered Species Act by changing the language of the Act so that it would allow species to be delisted based on state boundaries. In other words, it would allow the USFWS to use arbitrary,…

  • Important sage grouse and pygmy rabbit habitat burning Range fire at Idaho National Laboratory has burned 109,000 acres since Tuesday By KATY MOELLER – Idaho Statesman Update on July 15.  This huge fire is still burning!

  • No grazing on the Whisky Dick and Quilomene wildlife areas in Washington State The State of Washington has spent a lot of money trying to justify cattle grazing on wildlife management areas in the state which are comprised of lands purchased using Federal money specifically intended for wildlife habitat. The lands in the Whisky Dick…

  • Politics still reigns supreme in the Interior Department A new report outlines how very little has changed under Obama and Salazar. Science is being ignored and managers manipulate it to support predetermined political outcomes. In my experience, I would say that the Interior Department under Obama and Salazar is as bad or worse than under…

  • Nevada’s energy chief wants to take Federal Lands and hand them over to energy companies. Jim Groth, an appointee of Governor Jim Gibbons, published a declaration which calls for turning the State of Nevada into an energy colony and he doesn’t think it should be subject to National Environmental Policy Act requirements. “The greatest thing…

  • Will the petrocracy — and greens — keep Wyoming from realizing its windy potential? Wind power is not a popular thing in Wyoming for some and very popular for others. It is very unpopular for advocates for sage grouse and other birds. Wind resistance. High Country News

  • NDoW opposes killing of predators says habitat is the issue. There is a battle raging in Nevada about predator control under the guise of helping deer and sage grouse. As it turns out the problem isn’t about predators but about habitat quality. For years the BLM and the ranchers have colluded in an effort to…

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