Search results for: “wolf management”

  • Recently we were informed of a new effort by two conservation groups, a Native American tribe and livestock interests “to secure $25 million from the upcoming 2012 Farm Bill to help livestock producers reduce the risk of livestock losses to grizzly bears, wolves, black bears and mountain lions.” This taxpayer money is meant to “reduce…

  • The Idaho Department of Fish and Game Commission will be taking public comment on all kinds of things on March 21, 2012 at their headquarters in Boise, Idaho. The public comment section starts their three day meeting where they will set rules for hunting and fishing in the upcoming year. One of the items on…

  • In May of this year, the US Fish and Wildlife Service proposed creating a Distinct Population Segment (or “DPS”) of wolves in the Great Lakes Region, and removing wolves in this DPS from federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) protections (76 Fed. Reg 26086).  The “delisting” of wolves in the Great Lakes was recently discussed in…

  • Tonight Rocky Barker published an official response from Wildlife Services on his blog.  Surprisingly, Wildlife Services actually explains what the stickers represented but they go on to give the standard non-apology, apology which apologizes to people who might have been offended. It amazes me that, with the microscope that we and others have put them…

  • October 2011 update on the Oregon Wolf Program- There is an excitement about the recovery of wolves in Oregon, much as it was in the early day of Idaho and Montana before local reporters found it easier to write a story about a dead cow than the restoration of our wildlife and wild country. In…

  • We Won ! … Let’s Settle ?!? “Among politicians and businessmen, *Pragmatism* is the current term for “To hell with our children.”” ~ Edward Abbey You win some, you lose some … but when a coalition of wolf advocates were successful in demonstrating that federal efforts to delist wolves were not based on science, i.e.…

  • Tonight, March 8 · 7:00pm – 8:30pm Location Idaho Outdoor Association 3401 Brazil Street Boise, ID Wolves and cougars, once driven to the edge of existence, are finding their way back — from the Yellowstone plateau to the canyons of Zion, from the farm country of northern Minnesota to the rugged open range of the…

  • Also, a discussion about wolf delisting Here is an article that reasonably sums up where wolves are in the political landscape. Contrary to what I’ve read in other articles, it appears that Carter Niemeyer supports delisting only conditionally. He will likely be marginalized for it. Niemeyer said that while he agrees wolves should be off…

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