• At the behest of the oddly named Nature Conservancy, the BLM approved a massive construction project to create more than 7 miles of new roads and 13 new reservoirs within the Indian Creek allotment on the Bear’s Ears National Monument. The BLM claimed that bulldozing the Monument protected the Monument, including all the objects, including…

  • Tens of millions of wild bison once roamed across western North America. Today, wild bison occupy less than one percent of their former range.  Yet in spite of this, the National Park Service’s new bison management plan does nothing to expand the range of the 5,000 wild bison that live almost exclusively in Yellowstone National Park. Instead,…

  • Congress is considering Fix Our Forests legislation. The legislation is a Trojan Horse that seeks to increase fuel reductions on public lands through logging and prescribed burns. However, large wildfires are ultimately not controlled by fuels. Fires need fuel to ignite, but they only spread when the climate/weather is conducive to ignition and the spread…

  • You probably remember this photo from last year when Cody Roberts brought a wolf he had run over with his snowmobile into the bar in Daniel, WY. The story and photo went around the world and generated nearly universal disgust. Now, more than a year later, it is still legal. The new legislative session has…

  • As many of you know, domestic sheep are the primary impediment to bighorn sheep recovery because the domestic sheep transmit disease to the bighorn sheep. PBS did a decent video on the issue: What the video fails to mention is that livestock permits on our public lands are a privilege, not a right, and can…

  • One of the first Executive Orders from the Trump Whitehouse is to reverse environmental protections for federal lands in Alaska and hasten, expand, and encourage resource development. Sec. 2.  Policy.  It is the policy of the United States to: (a)  fully avail itself of Alaska’s vast lands and resources for the benefit of the Nation…

  • For sagebrush and science geeks, USGS is hosting a series of webinars on sagebrush issues starting at the end of January Dates and Topics: 1/30 – Greater sage-grouse  2/6 – Invasive species, restoration effectiveness, and monitoring 2/20 – Monitoring, pinyon-juniper, and fuels management 2/27 – Fire, fuels management, invasive species  3/6 – Climate, carbon, and more…

  • From our friends at Population Balance comes a new episode of their podcast with Mathis Wackernagel, co-founder of the Global Footprint Network To listen and for links to the resources mentioned in the podcast, click on the image above or here.

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