Search results for: “bighorn sheep”

  • Woolgrowers try to spin the decision to muddy the waters on Bighorn/Domestic sheep disease U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill has voided the Payette National Forest Science Advisory Committee’s contribution to management decisions when it decides whether or not to ban or reduce domestic sheep grazing on the Payette National Forest. Federal judge voids bighorn…

  • Last Friday WWP won a reversal of a previous court decision that would have held that Presidents have the authority to designate – but not direct management of – national monuments. Preservation and the President: A Positive Development in the Sonoran Desert – Ti Hays, PreservationNation Last Friday, in a positive development, a federal district…

  • Controversy continues- Nez Perce concerned about UI vet center, leader.  The Associated Press in the Idaho Statesman. The Tribe says that it is losing credibility in the University of Idaho Caine Veterinary center when it comes to the accurate reporting of the outcome of tests of bighorn sheep and domestic sheep tissues. The Tribe has…

  • Dr. Marie Bulgin’s daughter was involved with the unpublished study of the 1994 incidents. “Dr. Bulgin distorts the scientific facts to support her one-sided views as an advocate of the domestic sheep industry,” wrote William Foreyt, a Washington State University professor, in a May 5 letter to the Idaho Senate, which this year passed legislation…

  • Questions about who knew what and when they knew it. The controversy over whether domestic sheep transmit deadly pathogens to bighorn sheep seems to have been settled. At issue now is whether studies were intentionally suppressed by staff of the Caine Veterinary Teaching Center in Caldwell Idaho, whether leadership at the lab had cultivated a…

  • Domestic sheep DO transmit deadly disease to bighorn sheep. This weekend has turned out to be an interesting one in the world of the domestic sheep/bighorn sheep controversy. Rocky Barker reported on his blog that he had the infamous “study” that Marie Bulgin “missed” but it’s not the one at issue in the big story…

  • Otter pushes for road money, but residents gripe about feds, wild sheep Here in Idaho the legislature has gone into overtime because Governor Otter vetoed 35 appropriation bills over the course of a few days because he wants the legislature to raise gas taxes for road construction projects. They are not complying. Each month Governor…

  • 250 to 300 Idaho wolves could be killed if delisting occurs. On May 2nd wolves will be delisted leaving a window of at least 30 days before the decision could be enjoined by a judge. During this time, assuming an injunction, a number of things could happen at the hands of the Idaho Fish and…

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