Search results for: “wildfires”

  • Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field May 28, 2009 In this issue: * Update from the Field * Help BFC Help the Buffalo * Ground the DOL’s Helicopter: Contact the FAA * Traditional Prayer Ceremony on Horse Butte May 31 * Support the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act * BFC Needs Summer…

  • This is a revised version of an earlier story. Here is the news release from the Western Watersheds Project. Rocky Barker also discusses it in his recent blog. BLM Report On The Murphy Complex Wild Fire Shows That Grazing Has Little Effect On Fire Behavior. Idaho BLM has released a long awaited Report on the…

  • Air tanker drops in wildfires are often just for show. By Julie Cart and Bettina Boxall, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers

  • Rocky Barker writes how the Blue Ribbon Coalition (an off-road vehicle lobby) doesn’t like the new Smokey the Bear ad that says ATVs can start wildfires. This is true. Such fires happen all the time. So do dirt bikes and full-sized vehicles that travel over dry grass. I started one once with my truck is…

  • “Diary of a Mad Voter: Joan McCarter”  Wildfires: House Passes Proactive (Really?) FLAME Act “When it comes to being forward thinking, proactive and strategically-thinking, the last organization that comes to mind is Congress. But this time, with the FLAME Act, they’ve done it.” By Joan McCarter, New West. 7-15-08 McCarter argues, correctly I think, that…

  • Summer wildfires will be with us again soon, although there is hope that a cold and wet winter (still with us in much of Idaho, central Oregon, the Greater Yellowstone) will mean a less active season in these areas. Much of the West is as ready, or more ready to burn than last year. Overall…

  • Dr. Jim Peek presented data at the Chico wolf conference showing that the elk and deer population is doing fine in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. He examined population and hunter success trends in 4 key hunting units before and after wolf restoration. Currently there are 105-119 wolves in the 4 units,…

  • This is surly true a lot of other places too with the deep snows, . . . and we should remember the vast wildfires that burned not just summer range, but winter range as well last year. Wildlife showing strains of winter. Deep snows are pushing big-game species into harm’s way. By Jason Kauffman. Idaho…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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