Search results for: “wolf management”

  • I attended the IDFG Commissioner’s “special meeting” on Monday in Idaho Falls where the commissioners discussed how to proceed now that wolves are again protected by the Endangered Species Act. After the Commission decided to adopt new rules on placement of traps, which requires trappers to keep traps at least 5 feet away from the…

  • I just got back home from the Idaho Fish and Game Commissioner’s meeting in Idaho Falls. At the meeting an informative document “Gray Wolves in Idaho: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Answers to Idaho Department of Fish and Game Questions” was handed out. Check it out. USFWS q&a

  • Wolf management plan examines killing of pups and sterilization of wolves. Wildlife Services has issued a draft Environmental Analysis which examines a myriad of ways to kill wolves. Comments on the plan are accepted until August 31, 2010. Idaho Wolf EA “Management strategies would be developed for individual situations by applying the WS Decision Model…

  • Two adult wolves and six pups killed by Wildlife Services in an area with just one confirmed wolf depredation, a mere lamb- The state of Wyoming wants to confine wolves to 13% of the state, and Judge Molloy struck that plan down back in 2008.  Currently under federal wolf management wolves are allowed to inhabit…

  • Would rather have a distraction away from real issues affecting the landscape The Wyoming Governor continues his complaining about wolves and the litigation surrounding them by claiming that the groups suing over delisting are “venue shopping”. He wants to be the one to decide where a case is heard because he likes the judges where…

  • Bozeman naturalist’s notes on the event- There has been a lot of discussion on the blog of the speech Jim Beer’s gave Sunday May 16th, 2010 at the Gran Tree Inn in Bozeman, from 1 PM to 5 PM. The speech was sponsored by Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd, which has been complaining…

  • Dr. Norman Bishop reports on the testimony- I think the recent controversy over one kind of tapeworm that infests wolves and other canids and which can cause a secondary infection in other animals, including people, is mostly hot air meant to scare. However, in response to the controversy the Montana Environmental Quality Council held a…

  • Editorial by the Casper Star Tribune- Tribune editorial says wolves not decimating NW Wyoming elk, wolves were introduced in fact so they would affect elk, but wolf management is needed. Here is today’s editorial on the day before the anti-wolf rally in Jackson, Wyoming.


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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