Search results for: “bighorn sheep”

  • Bluetongue is a disease carried by livestock which has been found to be spreading into game populations, killing antelope and white-tail deer. Montana has confirmed two deaths caused by the disease, and flights indicate a significant amount of dead animals: “Bluetongue can affect wildlife, and we got testing results back on our first two animals…

  • Kathie Lynch has sent a report for June 17-23, 2007. It follows. Thanks Kathie! There is not too much to report from Yellowstone right now as the wolf watching has been pretty quiet. We see the occasional Agate Creek adult traveling by in their traditional Antelope Creek den area. And, we have occasional Slough Creek…

  • A small number of bison escaped from a controversial “quarantine” facility a few miles north of Yellowstone Park. There are stories about it in several Montana papers and a news release from the Buffalo Field Campaign (see the next page for both)

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