Search results for: “Public lands”

  • Juniper removal below Abert Rim, Oregon Photo by George Wuerthner   The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is now taking comments on a massive vegetation project for the Great Basin and adjacent areas of the Colorado Plateau. The PEIS for Fuels Reduction and Rangeland Restoration in the Great Basin (the Fuels Reduction and Rangeland Restoration…

  • An ecologically ravaged forest ecosystem on the Deschutes National Forest, Oregon. Thinning the forest to allegedly preclude wildfires releases a tremendous amount of stored carbon. Photo by George Wuerthner Gifford Pinchot, first chief of the U.S. Forest Service said: “Conservation is the foresighted utilization, preservation and/or renewal of forests, waters, lands and minerals for the…

  • Agreement with USDA’s Wildlife Services curbs killing of grizzles, wolves, other native wildlife Sarah McMillan, WildEarth Guardians, (406) 549-3895, Missoula, Montana—In a major win for Montana’s wildlife, WildEarth Guardians settled its lawsuit against USDA’s Wildlife Services (“Wildlife Services”) today, after the federal program agreed to severely curtail its reckless slaughter of native wildlife and use…

  • When it comes to wild carnivores these lawmakers look to their gut instead of their brain- A couple months ago I went to the Utah Capitol to oppose House Bill 228 (the brainchild of state Rep. Casey Snyder), otherwise known as the Livestock Predators Removal Amendments. The bill was one of two designed to do…

  •   National Parks Were One of America’s Greatest Ideas. Let’s Expand on That. To fully protect the values for which they were established, we need to add new national parks and expand many existing ones. GEORGE WUERTHNER AND MICHAEL KELLETT April 23, 2020    One of United States’ greatest contributions to the global marketplace…

  • The Washington Post recently published an article that repeated the old and flawed idea that ranching will “protect” the land and suggesting conservation easements are the solution to sprawl. If championing cows or hayfields is your conservation policy, one must rethink the strategy. Keep in mind that nearly all the development found along the…

  • TRUMPING OUR PARKS The Trump Administration is on the warpath against the environment. From increasing oil and gas leasing on our public lands to decreasing national clean air standards for automobiles, eliminating environmental law enforcement, attacking the Endangered Species Act, removing the United States from the Global Climate Accord, and reducing oversight of livestock grazing…

  • Note: I am posting this on behalf of the Friends of the Clearwater.   The Forest Service is currently accepting public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the forest plan revision on the Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests. The comment deadline is April 20. The National Forest Management Act (1976) mandates all…


George Wuerthner is an ecologist and writer who has published 38 books on various topics related to environmental and natural history. He has visited over 400 designated wilderness areas and over 200 national park units.

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