Search results for: “bison”

  • MONTANA: Today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) denied  Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection for the iconic Yellowstone Bison, 14 months after Western Watersheds Project and Buffalo Field Campaign petitioned to list these bison as an endangered or threatened species. The conservation groups sought federal protection for the Yellowstone bison because they are harmed by inadequate…

  • A Christmas present of year-round access- Although, it is just “an adjustment” under the adaptive management in the Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP), Governor Steve Bullock’s decision could eliminate one of the most contentious parts of the 20-year battle over bison leaving Yellowstone Park. Governor Bullock  would allow bison to roam year round to the west and…

  • Recently Yellowstone National Park announced the intentions of culling (read kill) as many as a thousand of the park’s genetically unique and only continuously wild herd of bison. The annual slaughter has no basis in science, and is ethically bankrupt and corrupted management precipitated by ranching interests. The slaying of bison is an annual event.…

  • More Buffalo Shipped to Slaughter Leaving Stephens Creek Bison Trap Empty. Death Count Passes 400- News Release Contact: Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-646-0071, Mike Mease, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-646-0071, Yellowstone National Park, Gardiner Basin, Montana. Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) patrols reported this morning that they witnessed three tribal stock trailers leaving Yellowstone’s Stephens…

  • Press release   Contact: Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-640-0109,   Yellowstone National Park. Gardiner Basin, MT.  Since Wednesday an estimated 200 of America’s last wild, migratory buffalo have been crammed into tribal stock trailers at Yellowstone National Park’s Stephens Creek bison trap.  The bison have been taken to tribal slaughter facilities by tribal…

  • Shocking public opinion poll on bison in Montana- A random sample survey of 500 Montana registered voters just released shows that Montanans strongly support free roaming bison on some public lands in the state outside of Yellowstone Park, where they are essentially confined in a legal sense and subject to frequent mass cullings. Folks in…

  • Many apologies that I didn’t post this sooner. Comment deadline is tomorrow. This Bison Habitat EA Addendum aims to cap the last wild bison population in “exchange” for any tolerance in Montana. Learn more and tell them to reject Alternative G.

  • In a recent blog post, Defenders of Wildlife is grossly misleading the public claiming that they have “saved the last wild bison” by participating in and supporting the quarantine of buffalo that originated as wild calves from Yellowstone. Quarantine is a domestication process. There is no benefit from quarantine to bison as wildlife. Quarantine is…

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