Search results for: “logging”

  • Is this a new problem or a sudden realization of an old one? Whether it is or not, this issue is heating up in British Columbia and Alberta  The adult grizzlies are more likely to escape the wintertime dozers and other heavy equipment than the cubs, but the mortality rate of even adults is substantial.…

  • Key player in passage of the ’64 Wilderness Act blast Tester’s Wilderness/logging bill- This is an opinion in the Billings Gazette by Stewart Brandborg who was executive director of the Wilderness Society when the Wilderness Act became law. – – – – – My take on Tester’s bill is that is very much the stuff…

  • Is this a move away from Obama’s previous commitment to the Clinton Roadless Rule ? In May, the Obama administration announced its intention to give Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack top level oversight over incursions into roadless areas.  The move was said to be Obama’s re-commitment to the Clinton Roadless Rule. Obama administration inches away…

  • Will it increase support for salvage logging? Of course it will! Will it increase support for Tester’s Wilderness plus logging bill? Yes! Will there actually be an increase in salvage logging? Hard to say. Some points needs to be made. First, this beetle epidemic is not just a Montana thing. It extends from the Yukon…

  • More controversy has been in the news concerning what has been framed the Beaverhead-Deerlodge “W“ilderness bill in Montana. Paul Richards has taken a candid approach to the spread of this nominal Wilderness in Montana – he’s calling it what it just as fairly might be called, a logging bill :  Why Does Jon Tester Want…

  • 8.8 miles of new road are involved in what was once a roadless area. “Just building the road will cost four times as much revenue as the Forest Service is going to get from the timber sale,” said Waldo of Earthjustice. Ketchikan mill is awarded Orion North timber Deal marks first timber sale in roadless…

  • Salazar cites failure to provide adequate Endangered Species Act consultations as on the forefront of his decision to scrap attempts to log BLM land in Oregon. Obama Admin Scraps Logging Plan in Ore. Carbon Sinks – New York Times The move scraps a Bush-era decision to rezone 2.6 million acres of Bureau of Land Management…

  • George Orwell is likely spinning in his grave when it comes to all the linguistic mischief that gets thrown around by politicians and land managers doing their best to cut down our forests, “manage”, “control”, and “harvest” the wild. Think “Healthy Forest” Initiative, removing that troublesome “fuel”, “wildlife friendly fences”, and “thinning and cleaning the…


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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