Search results for: “sage grouse”

  • On December 1st, at a presentation given by Bob Budd about the Wyoming Core Habitat Plan for sage grouse, it was pretty obvious that the livestock industry has things pretty much locked up with the agencies and politicians. The presentation was given in one of the big, new hearing rooms in the basement of the…

  • The sage grouse population of Idaho has been in steep decline for years. It is now getting to the point where hunting has declined to a one-week season where hunters are limited to one bird a day. It seems a bit odd to me that there isn’t more outrage by the hunting community over this…

  • The Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan are losing sage grouse fast.  So fast, that the birds may disappear entirely from the Canadian landscape. Industry blamed for bird’s demise – Sage grouse on path to extinction – Edmonton Journal Unrestrained gas development in southern Alberta could drive the sage grouse to extinction in this province…

  • Only 1500 birds left in the state Habitat destruction and fragmentation has caused a severe reduction in sage grouse numbers in South Dakota. Livestock grazing and energy development, especially wind, is a serious threat to the remaining birds there. The birds are behaviorally disposed to avoid tall vertical structures because they provide perches to predators.…

  • [Statesman’s] View: It’s up to us: Act now to save an icon of the West- Well this is good to hear, but the only thing that will save the grouse is to conserve the intact, already healthy sagebrush areas and to create some new ones. Other measures might help a little, but could well be…

  • More worried about protecting industry than wildlife. The Mono Basin sage grouse received a higher priority rating, a 3 on a scale of 1-12, as a candidate species than the larger populations elsewhere which received an 8 rating. Unbelievably the Chief of the Nevada Division of wildlife expressed greater concern about the industries that would…

  • ~ Jon Marvel Friends, Today, in response to successful litigation brought by Western Watersheds Project and our attorneys at Advocates For The West, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced Greater Sage Grouse would not be protected by listing the species under the protections of the Endangered Species Act. The Secretary did acknowledge that listing…

  • Announcement scheduled for 1:30 EST Friday Interior to announce sage grouse finding Friday By MEAD GRUVER (AP) Of course those opposed to listing the bird as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act are coming up with worn out one liners in anticipation of the decision. “The only good place for a sage grouse…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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