Search results for: “bison”

  • YELLOWSTONE CAPTURES WILD BISON 23 of America’s Last Wild Bison Trapped at Stephens Creek for Royal Teton Ranch Land Lease Experiment FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 5, 2011 Contacts: Mike Mease, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-646-0070 Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-644-2499 GARDINER, MONTANA: Yellowstone National Park and Montana Department of Livestock officials captured twenty-three of…

  • Park County bison tests positive for brucellosis By BOB MOEN – Associated Press. Herd tests positive for brucellosis By BRENNA BRAATEN – Cody Enterprise.

  • Montana and Wyoming infections and capture of elk. The last week has been filled with many stories about brucellosis and its impacts on wildlife and livestock. First, Montana has announced plans to capture and test elk for brucellosis then place radio collars on those females that test positive to see where they go and where…

  • An Event in Missoula, Montana on October 25, 2010 It never fails. Every time I find myself driving across the immense open space and undulating landscape of the front range in Montana, I puzzle myself over the absence of bison. And each time I hear about the threat posed to livestock by wolves, I wonder…

  • An Event in Missoula, Montana on October 25, 2010 It never fails. Every time I find myself driving across the immense open space and undulating landscape of the front range in Montana, I puzzle myself over the absence of bison. And each time I hear about the threat posed to livestock by wolves, I wonder…

  • Below Kathie Lynch has another fact filled report on Yellowstone wolf watching and summary of the packs’ seasonal activity.  Right now the Canyon Pack is the only one still being seen. The wolves will return with the elk in October. Thanks for your report, Kathie. – – – – – – – – – –…

  • Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation issues a press release. I don’t post links to anti-wolf websites or give much credence to their clams but the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has, as with their previous news release on wolves, issued another hyperbolic press release in response to Judge Malloy’s decision to relist wolves as an endangered species.…

  • Kathie says mid-summer watching is better than she expected- Here is Kathie Lynch’s latest wolf update. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – – Copyright © Kathie Lynch Watchers must rise very early on the long summer days in Yellowstone to try to see wolves before they bed down in the shade to escape…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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