Search results for: “bison”

  • Ranch near Green Ranch which holds quarantined Yellowstone bison. A yearling bison on Ted Turner’s Flying D Ranch has been found to have died from anthrax. The bison is not one of the quarantined Yellowstone bison transferred to Turner but this is nearby Turner’s Green Ranch where the quarantined bison are being held. This concern…

  • Ranchers complain about losing control while accepting government handouts. The Buffalo Gap National Grassland of South Dakota doesn’t have buffalo any more but it certainly has a handful of ranchers with a strong sense of entitlement. They are worrying that wilderness designation will “steal” control that they seem to believe they should have over these…

  • Kathie Lynch has sent her first report of the summer. The new packs on the Yellowstone Northern Range occupy similar locations as those in days gone by. Thanks Kathie!    Ralph Maughan – – – – – – Puppies! Yellowstone’s summer wolf watching season got off to a wonderful start with the debut of four pups…

  • There will be media stories, good comments, and ignorant angry comments, but here’s one from a person who knows- Without commenting specifically on numbers or distribution of hunting quotas, I offer just these notes for your consideration. Aldo Leopold; forester, wildlife ecologist, conservationist, father of game management in America, lived from 1887 to 1948.  In…

  • The privatization of public bison has spurred quite the controversy in Montana The insanity of bison mis-management in and around Yellowstone National Park has prompted the privatization of this iconic wildlife species. Buffalo Roam Into Controversy ~ (Audio) ~ NPR – On Point Bison from the park have been hazed and quarantined for ‘study’ under the…

  • The myth continues. You can show the livestock thugs all the evidence in the world that they are wrong and inhumane but they will forever lie. Here is this week’s update from the Buffalo Field Campaign. There is a very interesting video showing the birth of a buffalo calf where the mother consumes the entire…

  • Jim McDonald’s Account of Montana’s DOL pushing bison into Yellowstone Park- This is the time of year when Montana’s Department of Livestock pushes bison back into the Park for no real reason except to demonstrate that they run things in the area. Activist Jim McDonald has written a long essay on a blog describing the…

  • Dr. Norman Bishop reports on the testimony- I think the recent controversy over one kind of tapeworm that infests wolves and other canids and which can cause a secondary infection in other animals, including people, is mostly hot air meant to scare. However, in response to the controversy the Montana Environmental Quality Council held a…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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