Search results for: “bison”

  • George Wuerthner responds to recent hyperbole from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation concerning wolves ~ We need wolves to be wolves ~ George Wuerthner, If the restoration of wolves to the Rockies is really “one of the worst wildlife management disasters since the destruction of bison herds in the 19th Century” as David Allen…

  • 2 bulls shot after being agitated by drugs used in “study” Below is today’s Buffalo Field Campaign weekly update. Of note is the shooting deaths of two bull bison that were involved in the recent APHIS tests which involved using a vibrating anal probe so that they can test their ejaculate for brucellosis. The bulls…

  • Kathie Lynch provides us with another detailed update on the wolves of northern Yellowstone Park. – – – – – – Yellowstone field notes. April 10 -18, 2010. By © Kathie Lynch. During my Spring Break in Yellowstone National Park (April 10-18, 2010), I managed to see at least one wolf every day, but it wasn’t…

  • Is this going to result in a new power grab? This seems to be what is behind the attempt to put elk under the purview of the Montana Department of Livestock. The article indicates that brucellosis is more prevalent on private lands where hunting is limited and elk congregate. I think the real question that…

  • APHIS putting residents of Horse Butte at risk for a pointless study From yesterday’s Buffalo Field Campaign Weekly Update [emphasis is mine]: Along Yellowstone’s western boundary, the Duck Creek, Cougar Creek and Madison River corridors are flowing with the migration of the country’s last wild buffalo.  Buffalo families, solitary bulls, and bachelor bull groups beautifully…

  • Former Montana FWP Employee Warns of Pending Legislation. The bill would hand over management of elk to the Montana Department of Livestock, the same agency responsible for the continued war on bison. If you think this isn’t a threat to elk then you’re crazy. Imagine helicopters and snowmobiles chasing elk out of the state or…

  • Accuses groups of being party to may become “one of the worst wildlife management disasters since the destruction of bison herds in the 19th Century.” I’m not going to say much more about this other than to observe that RMEF seems to be adopting the same type of hyperbole that they accuse the pro wolf…

  • How Ted Turner Scored Yellowstone’s Bison Herd A good overview of the buffalo issue and how they continue to be persecuted by Montana’s livestock industry and how the buffalo from the quarantine feasibility study ended up going to Ted Turner. The Privatization of Wildlife: How Ted Turner Scored Yellowstone’s Bison Herd AlterNet / By Joshua…

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