• The recent Durango Herald article about the proposal for aggressive logging of Southwest Colorado Forests supported by the Rocky Mountain Restorative Initiative (RMRI) is a classic example of the Industrial Forestry worldview. https://durangoherald.com/articles/306885 The (RMRI) implies that trees killed by drought, beetles, or anything other than a chainsaw are somehow abnormal.  Not surprisingly, the membership…

  • Matt Shea (R-Spokane), a member of the Washington State House of Representatives, has been kicked out of the Republican caucus for planning, engaging in, or supporting Cliven Bundy domestic terrorism. It’s about time elected officials stood up to his family efforts to take away our public lands. . . Ralph Maughan, editor – – – Last…

  • Reader generated wildlife news beginning on Dec. 29, 2019 It is time to create a new page of “Reader Generated Wildlife News.” Do not post copyrighted material. Here is the link to the “old” wildlife news page that began on July 25, 2019 From there you can access links to the many older pages of…

  • State, federal and tribal representatives voted again to slaughter 600-900 Yellowstone Park bison this winter. The agencies and tribes use the less offensive sounding euphemism “cull”. But let’s be honest, what happens is nothing more than butchery done to appease the livestock industry. It is shameful that these agencies and tribes legitimize the annual butchery…

  • Western Watersheds Project sued the Arizona Bureau of Land Management today for bringing a long-dead grazing permit back to life and handing it off to a new permittee without any public process. WWP’s press release with a link to the complaint is online here. After nearly thirty years of no authorized grazing (but plenty of…

  • The recent commentary by Mark Nelson in the San Francisco Chronicle, who works for the Ag industry, suggesting that grazing by goats and other livestock can help reduce wildfire losses in California deserves qualification.  https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/How-goats-can-help-prevent-California-wildfires-14871742.php As a landscape response to large fires, grazing is no solution. In many ecosystems, particularly in the parts of the…

  • Fish and Wildlife Service Deschutes River Habitat Conservation Plan comments The following are comments on the Deschutes Basin Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) are submitted on behalf of Restore Our Deschutes (ROD). The main problem with the HCP is that its starting assumptions are backward. The plan is designed primarily to protect the economic interests of…

  • For Immediate Release: November 14, 2019 Contact: Scott Lake, Western Watersheds Project,  (208) 429-1679; scott@westernwatersheds.org   Proposed Malheur legislation sacrifices land heath, elevates livestock above other land uses   BURNS, Ore. – On November 7th, Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley introduced legislation that prioritizes economic development in Malheur County while also designating some public lands as wilderness.…

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