Search results for: “bison”

  • Updated September 23, 2012. This has been a very popular post. I first posted it about 5 years ago, and now I have enlarged and updated it. Ralph Maughan Ah the Tetons, Wind Rivers, Sawtooths and White Clouds, Wallowas, Bitterroots, Beartooth, and Unitas! I love all the mountains. I decided to do a major photo…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field February 4, 2010 Buffalo Field Campaign relies on donations from people like you to fund our work to protect the bison. Please contribute today to keep us strong in the field and on the policy front. —————————— —————————— * Update from the Field * IBMP Agencies…

  • It should calm them, but doubtful it will- “It’s difficult to imagine a safer or better home for 14 Yellowstone bison than Guernsey State Park, which was suggested by Wyoming officials to host the animals.” Read the rest of the story in the Casper Star Tribune editorial.

  • In case you missed the original airing of the documentary about the buffalo and the Buffalo Field Campaign Here is a little shameless promotion for the Buffalo Field Campaign From the BFC Weekly Update: Tune in because it’s on again! Late tonight and on Thursday, January 7th, Discovery’s Planet Green will once again air Buffalo…

  • 2808 bison killed under the Schweitzer Administration In an address to the Montana Stockgrowers Association, Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer boasted that “No governor in Montana history has sent more bison to slaughter than this governor.” During Schweitzer’s administration he has the dubious distinction of presiding over the deaths of 2808 wild bison, 1,616 of which…

  • There haven’t been cattle on it for 8 years, but now it is officially closed to grazing- Despite the absence of cattle on the butte, its official status as a grazing allotment allows Montana Department of Livestock and the Montana Stockgrowers Assn. to bleat about the dangers of brucellosis from the bison that migrate out…

  • State Veterinarian quick to blame it on elk or bison Another cow, this time a 15 year-old, has tested positive for brucellosis in a herd that resided in eastern Idaho. This is the second from the same herd so Idaho retains its brucellosis-free status. The herd was assembled over the last two years and the…

  • An article about the ill-conceived bison quarantine program that will likely be turning the majority of the progeny of these bison into privately owned livestock. The Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks’ bison quarantine project started several years ago in an attempt to create a brucellosis free heard of Yellowstone bison from captured calves which had…


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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