Search results for: “bison”

  • The infected animal had been vaccinated. This has been a perennial issue in areas surrounding the elk feedlots in Wyoming. It now seems that brucellosis has once again infected cattle in Idaho but it is too early to say where the disease originated. If brucellosis is found in another cattle herd in Idaho within a…

  • Below is this week’s Buffalo Field Campaign Update from the Field. I’ve been holding my tongue about “Buffalo Battle” which is a pilot episode for a possible new series about the bison issue and the Buffalo Field Campaign. The episode will air on December 5th on Planet Green. I’ve seen two early cuts of the…

  • Western Watersheds new Montana office goes to work on another lawsuit- Environmentalists, outfitters file suit to end grazing in Upper Missouri River Breaks. By Matthew Brown. Associated Press Note that earlier they filed to let Yellowstone bison use national forests outside of Yellowstone. This lawsuit was assigned to Judge Molloy. The bison lawsuit went to…

  • Robert Hoskins’ op-ed on FWP giving the quarantined bison to Ted Turner- Op-ed in the Casper Star Tribune. Illegal plan just makes Turner richer. By Robert Hoskins

  • It wasn’t climate change, asteroid impact, or habitat change. Human hunting was maybe a factor- Why did the giant bison, mammoth, mastadon, giant ground sloth, etc. disappear so quickly? There are a number of hypotheses. This article describes some progress. Dung Fungus Provides New Evidence in Mammoth Extinction. By Betsy Mason. Wired Magazine If it…

  • SNWA loses right to suck 6- billlion gallons of water a year from under Nevada desert valleys- This is a blockbuster decision for the high desert of Nevada and western Utah and against the same old pattern of urban sprawl for Las Vegas. The state supreme court could yet rule for SNWA. It’s a big…

  • Study indicates 5000 mature individuals are needed for population viability Conservation Targets Too Small To Stop Extinction RedOrbit This determination could have profound implications for the protection of many species. Many biologists use a number of 2000 individuals in a population for maintenance of viable populations over the long term. In the Northern Rockies the…

  • Wolf watching is slow in this summer’s extra green Yellowstone- While watching has been slow lately in the reconfigured Yellowstone wolf packs, Kathie Lynch has quite a bit of news. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – July and August wolf notes for YNP. By © Kathie Lynch Copyrighted material. Not to be reprinted…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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