Search results for: “wolf management”

  • Both the article Range of Possibilities by Kelly Cash, followed up by the pro-livestock piece Public Lands Need Cattle to Meet Conservation Goals by Sheila Barry which appeared in Bay Nature Magazine  imply that livestock production is an overall positive activity for California public lands and wildlife. The pro livestock articles can be found here: and…

  • Did winter ice allow most of the wolves to walk off the island, or did they die? For a second winter season in a row Lake Superior froze around Isle Royale National Park. This potentially allows wolves and other land animals to walk over to the island or leave the island. Most winters there is no…

  • Federal Court Finds the BLM Broke the Law in Permitting Desert Grazing- News release Contacts: Greta Anderson, Western Watersheds Project (520)623-1878 Sandy Bahr, Grand Canyon Chapter of the Sierra Club (602)253-8633 Laurie Rule,  Advocates for the West (503)914-6388 – – – Phoenix, AZ.  Two conservation groups have won their legal claims against the Bureau of Land…

  • In 2008 at a Bureau of Land Management Oil and Gas lease auction Tim DeChristopher bid on 14 parcels of land (totaling 22,500 acres) for $1.8 million that he had no intention of buying. The FBI arrested him and charged him with a two-count felony indictment. DeChristopher was branded an “eco-terrorist.”  Even though the very…

  • Politicians play to the incoherent fears of wimpy folks. This is bad for protecting the planet and its wildlife- Just two months ago many Americans feared they would soon be stricken by dread Ebola and those who survived would have their heads lopped off by ISIS. Fortunately a cure was deployed for both Ebola and…

  • BOISE, Idaho —In response to a lawsuit from conservation groups, the Bureau of Land Management has decided to cancel a permit allowing an anti-wolf organization to conduct a “predator derby” on more than 3 million acres of public lands near Salmon, Idaho. As lawyers for the Center for Biological Diversity, Western Watersheds Project, Project Coyote…

  • UPDATE 10/17/2014: Due to a request by Representative Peter DeFazio of Oregon, the comment period has been extended until Midnight Mountain Time, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014.  The BLM is asking for comments on an Environmental Assessment that examines the impacts of issuing a Special Recreation Permit (SRP) to conduct a predator killing contest on BLM lands.…

  • Because of the current open comment period on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on the Proposed Rule Changes for Mexican Wolf Reintroduction and the recent hearings on the same, I’ve been spending  a bit of time with the DEIS and trying to wade through all 467 pages of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s new plans…


George Wuerthner is an ecologist and writer who has published 38 books on various topics related to environmental and natural history. He has visited over 400 designated wilderness areas and over 200 national park units.

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