Search results for: “bison”

  • Ken Cole and I (Brian Ertz) are going to be tromping around southwest Montana this Tuesday & Wednesday. You’re invited. WHEN: August 11 & 12, 10am WHERE: BFC Headquarters, 14365 Hebgen Lake Road, West Yellowstone, Montana WHAT: Bring your own food We will meet at 10:00 am for an introduction and overview then head to…

  • Ridiculous lawsuit to show who is boss over everything and everyone in Montana is being heard today. Montana Stockgrowers Association is suing to make sure bison are removed from the Horse Butte, which is devoid of cattle, by May 15th of each year. They would force the State of Montana to violate private property rights…

  • Take Back Our Public Lands By Tom Woodbury, Western Watersheds Project, Addition by Ralph Maughan. This is also in New West. You can comment there as well as on this blog. 2008 should be remembered as the year of the buffalo. Over 1600 bison were slaughtered in Montana that year, about half of the last…

  • About 40 wolves are on the Park’s northern range- Yellowstone wolf news. June 2009. Copyright by Kathie Lynch The beautiful green hills of Lamar Valley brim with bison, and their cute little orange calves greet early summer wolf watchers in Yellowstone. However, the drop from 171 wolves in Yellowstone Park in December 2007, to only…

  • New rules would stop statewide penalities for cattle infection in Greater Yellowstone- Hope I’m wrong, but I doubt this will get approval if it means bison will be able to migrate outside Yellowstone Park because brucellosis is not the real issue. It’s the symbolism of who has the upper hand on the public’s land. Tentative…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field June 18, 2009 —————————— —————————— In this issue: * Update from the Field – Four Bulls Killed by Agents * Our Friend Frog: BFC Celebrates His Life, Mourns His Passing * Last Words * Kill Tally

  • Cites political interference from the Idaho Legislature. The Idaho Conservation League has become the second group to resign from the BHS/DS Advisory Group. The first was the Nez Perce Tribe who cited the same reasons for resigning.  Currently the Group is suspended while the Idaho Fish and Game and the sheep permitees develop “best management…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field May 28, 2009 In this issue: * Update from the Field * Help BFC Help the Buffalo * Ground the DOL’s Helicopter: Contact the FAA * Traditional Prayer Ceremony on Horse Butte May 31 * Support the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act * BFC Needs Summer…

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