Search results for: “bison”

  • Buffalo Field Campaign Yellowstone Bison Update from the Field May 21, 2009 —————————— —————————— In this issue: * Update from the Field * Complain to FAA About the DOL’s Helicopter Use * Traditional Prayer Ceremony on Horse Butte May 31 * Join BFC on the Front Lines * Thank You! BFC’s Media Crew Receives Laptops…

  • Galanis’s brought the Butte to help wildlife, especially bison, but Montana DOL hazes the bison away to protect the non-existent local cattle- Buffalo hazing frustrates property owner. Conservation easement not getting intended use. By Brett French. Billings Gazette Staff.

  • The federal report this week is A LOT more interesting than usual (e.g., YNP wolf chases bicycles, motorcycles, etc.)- This is the wolf weekly news put out by USFWS because Wyoming can’t manage wolves. Be sure to read the “monitoring” and “control” sections. – – – – – – – – Update: There is essentially…

  • If SB1175 is signed into law collaborative group may collapse Today there was meeting of the Idaho Bighorn Sheep/Domestic Sheep Advisory Group which ended early due to concerns of various groups about how Senate Bill 1175 will affect what the group does. At the present time SB1175 is awaiting Governor Otter’s signature or veto and…

  • Zone outside Yellowstone declared “brucellosis free” with greater restrictions inside the affected Yellowstone area or eradication of infected elk and bison herds? Who pays? Who benefits? USDA wants two zones to reduce costs. Livestock interests say that it will put Yellowstone area ranchers out of business. According to the article, Livestock interests and Wyoming Sportsmen…

  • Factors were the bad economy and a late onset of snowy season- Winter visits to Yellowstone decline by 13%. Econony, late snowfall seen as likely reasons; few using Sylvan Pass. By Brett French. Billings Gazette Staff It is disappointing to read the Park’s spokesman shrug off their big loss of money at the East Entrance.…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign: Buffalo have returned to Horse Butte Peninsula Here is an excerpt of today’s Buffalo Field Campaign Update from the Field. You can read the entire update here Dear Buffalo Friends, Wild buffalo have returned with the Spring! The song of mountain bluebirds is in the air, and tracks of the mighty bison…

  • A Review of Idaho Senate Bill 1124 Earlier I wrote about a member of the Idaho legislator and livestock rancher, Monty Pearce, who has recently taken aim at bighorn sheep conservation and restoration efforts in response to a sheepman’s call for special treatment from the Idaho legislature.  This after the Payette National Forest’s proposal to drastically reduce his…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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