Search results for: “Ken Salazar”

  • Talk about burying the lead, it appears that Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar would back efforts to gut the Endangered Species Act. Ken Salazar met with the governors of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming yesterday and, while Wyoming remains intransigent on the wolf issue, he appears to have sent the message that he supports a legislative…

  • Salazar can’t just change the rules without an open, public process under NEPA. The governors of Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana are meeting with Ken Salazar in Denver on Monday to talk about wolves. It will be interesting to see what comes of this. Really, there are very few options for the Department of Interior short…

  • Solar Gold: Mojave Desert Facing Ecosystem Collapse Robert Lundahl films the voices of the Mojave who are being steam-rolled by Energy development on your public lands : [vodpod id=Video.4770655&w=425&h=350&fv=] Solar Gold documents the impacts of Large Solar development on the Mojave Desert ecosystems and cultural resources.

  • State will not manage wolves nor control poaching- Idaho won’t manage wolves under ESA – John Miller, AP “After talks with the federal government collapsed, Gov. C.L. ‘Butch’ Otter ordered Idaho wildlife managers Monday to relinquish their duty to arrest poachers or to even investigate when wolves are killed illegally.” From his first day in…

  • Off With His Hat Finally some sanity ~ it’ll be interesting to see whether Obama has the integrity to follow through (not holding my breath): Obama: Interior reforms too slow ~ By Dan Berman, Politico White House insiders say Salazar has fallen out of favor and speculate that he will be gone after November’s midterms. Obama didn’t…

  • This must mean that Interior boss Salazar gets the ax- Clean the Gulf, Clean House, Clean Their Clock. By Frank Rick. New York  Times. The President asked us to pray.  So I ask God that the President fire Ken Salazar. The President says he would have “fired Tony Hayward, BP’s chief executive” (currently yachting in…

  • The chemical dispersants BP is dumping in the Gulf of Mexico are a cosmetic solution only. And they’re toxic. By Joseph Romm. Salon Magazine. AND MORE MALFEASANCE U.S. exempted BP’s Gulf of Mexico drilling from environmental impact study. By Juliet Eilperin. Washington Post Staff Writer. The Department of Interior did not require an environmental impact…

  • Rules that isolated population is not a distinct population The mountain whitefish of the Big Lost River Basin was denied endangered species protection by Ken Salazar’s US Fish and Wildlife Service. They argued that the fish could not be considered a separate species, sub-species, or distinct population segment even though they have been isolated from…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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