Search results for: “bear”

  • Amazing this is the first known instance of a griz killing a human in the vast bear-filled national park- A grizzly bear has killed a lone hiker (Richard White, San Diego, age 49) on the Toklat River in Denali National Park, Alaska. There are many similar news stories today how it is the first such…

  • 5-milion years ago instead of 600,000 or 130,000 years ago- Recent interest in the relationship between polar bears and brown (grizzly) bears from which they emerged has been fueled by the observation of increasing numbers of polar bear – brown bear hybrids. Our recent article on this produced a number of comments, many of them…

  • Is this likely response to global warming beneficial or detrimental? In 2006, Jim Martell from Idaho, was hunting in the high arctic and shot the first confirmed grizzly bear – polar bear hybrid. There had been unconfirmed reports of rare hybrids in the past, but this was the first confirmed instance.  That the two species of…

  • Remarkably low value activity results in grizzly bear deaths- Wherever grizzly bears roam outside a much too small, couple of American national parks, they are often threatened by cattle and sheep, which many grizzlies figure out are made of meat.  Heroic efforts have been made over the years to keep grizzlies from discovering this source…

  • Liquor and drugs fell felon; but bears should not eat flesh of bad guys- British Columbia has an odd, macabre, bear story.  It seems a person convicted of murder back in ’93 was on parole and hardly living up to expectations. The mix of drugs and booze probably killed him at his lone party in…

  • Remarkable video shows an elk calf-eating grizzly and elk grazing side by side- Daryl Hunter spotted grizzly bear #610 approaching elk at Willow Flats in Grand Teton National Park. The bear had been eating their elk calves all months. Guess what happened next?  Watch his video.

  • Movement of bears into this good habitat was inevitable. Meanwhile Gallatin County Commissions say wolves, bears cougars are a big detriment to Bozeman, West Yellowstone areas- In Yellowstone Park where the Gallatin Range rises there is some of the very best grizzly habitat.  For a long time grizzlies have also ranged about 10 miles north…

  • “Justice” was done when the ‘Wapiti Sow” was euthanized (executed?)- An earlier story today remarked that in springtime our thoughts seem to turn to bears as they wake up and we get to run stories saying “be careful.” Just in time, Slate Magazine has run a very thorough story on the life of a Yellowstone…


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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