Search results for: “Public lands”

  • Conservation groups win injunction in Sheep Experiment Station grazing lawsuit BOISE, Ida. – A federal court in Idaho blocked domestic sheep grazing in bighorn habitat on the Caribou-Targhee National Forest yesterday, ruling that the risk to the South Beaverhead Mountains bighorn sheep population from deadly disease  outweighs any possible benefit to the government-run grazing operation.…

  • When members of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission’s recommendation board met last week, they interviewed four candidates for the commission’s open seat. All four were white males and most had strong ties to extractive industries on public lands, including mining and livestock. Not one had a wildlife conservation biology background and none reflected Arizona’s…

  •   The headline in a recent Capital Press article proclaims that “Preliminary data shows cattle, sage grouse can coexist”. The article then goes on to quote various researchers who are at the beginning of a ten-year study. According to the article, grazing allotments were grazed according to traditional patterns for two years, then the…

  •   Recently rancher Ken Andrus had a guest commentary in the Idaho State Journal basically championing Idaho agriculture. However, like almost all folks in Ag, he has an overblown view of his place in the Idaho economy. For instance, Mr.Andrus suggested that Idaho AG was Idaho’s largest industry. This claim is created by aggregating anything remotely…

  • Dear Tom I see that you are planning an article in Montana Outdoors on “green grazing”. Without having read the piece, I can say that it will perpetuate the myth of “well managed” grazing. For every example of “green grazing out there I can show you 100 examples of where livestock production is destroying and…

  • Last year when the Profanity Wolf Pack was killed in Washington after depredation on cattle, Washington State University predator researcher Robert Wielgus suggested in several articles that the livestock losses were preventable, and thus, so was the killing of the Profanity Pack. Wielgus was subsequently punished by the university who placed a gag order on…

  • By Erik Molvar, Western Watersheds Project and Val Cecama-Hogsett, Citizens Against Equine Slaughter When Erik Molvar of Western Watersheds Project (WWP) and Val Cecama-Hogsett of Citizens Against Equine Slaughter (CAES) met at a law conference in the spring of 2016, they had differing views of wild horses but they also had one clear common goal:…

  • NASA just reported the drought in eastern Montana is so severe it is a once in a century event. Not surprisingly, despite livestock grazing that some suggest could preclude large blazes, the drought in Eastern Montana has spawned some recent blazes including the 270,000-acre Lodgepole fire. The fire raced across grazed public and private pasture…

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