Search results for: “wolf management”

  • You may remember the controversy prompted by the Flat Top Ranch’s application for a $300,000 match from Blaine County Land, Water & Wildlife Program‘s funds levied by Blaine County citizens “to protect natural resources and the quality of life valued by area residents.” The controversy started when the Flat Top Ranch’s application sought to fund…

  • According to Senator Max Baucus drone aircraft could potentially be used to kill predators. “Our troops rely on this type of technology every day and there is enormous future potential in border security, agriculture, and wildlife and predator management” – Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) The developers of the drone say that they can sense the…

  • After receiving a groundswell of public comments prompted by Western Watersheds Project and local wolf advocates’ tireless effort the Blaine County Commission voted to require the Flat Top Ranch and The Nature Conservancy to provide a predator management plan emphasizing non-lethal protection of livestock prior to the Commission’s final approval of the ranch’s conservation easement…

  • H.R.1581 Bruce Babbit, former Secretary of the Interior in the Clinton Administration, claims that the wolf delisting rider was the wake-up call that brought him back into the foray on public land and wildlife issues.  Now he’s taking aim at a piece of legislation that would capitalize on Congress’s slow action and open up greater…

  • No Mitigations for Endangered Mexican Wolves, Special Lands now Open Season, and Groups’ Trap Ban Request Tossed Aside Santa Fe, NM. After years of waiting for the Game Commission to address trapping regulations, and a request to consider a ban on traps on public lands, the Game Commission will hold its public meeting on trapping regulations…

  • Fiscal Year 2012 – House Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill – Part 2 In an another example of paying for tax cuts to billionaires with deregulation and spending cuts, the House Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill released yesterday, which limits judicial review of future wolf delisting rules in Wyoming and the Western Great Lakes, would also effectively gut the…

  • Kill order, called “retribution”- Because there are not many wolves in Oregon, this is a big deal. The pack has 10-14 members.  There was one other wolf pack known on the Oregon/Washington state border in 2010 — the Wenaha Pack. It might have 6 members.  USFWS has ordered capturing and “euthanizing two un-collared sub-adults from…

  • Well, they’ve done it. They’ve reached an agreement to keep language in the upcoming budget bill which would delist wolves everywhere in the Northern Rockies except Wyoming. (Added to clarify what has happened) While this process doesn’t immediately delist wolves, it cannot be challenged. It is unclear exactly what the language says but presumably wolves…

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