Search results for: “bison”

  • The WWP blog has a good take on a fairly recent, and continuing development. Conservation groups are buying ranches and assuming the grazing permits on adjacent public land, and in their words showing how running livestock can be done right. Wrong. The lands of the Western United States did not evolve with cattle grazing them,…

  • This is the time to contact Governor Schweitzer asking for bison habitat, especially since Republican Montana congressman Dennis Rehburg shot down an effort in Congress to provide it. I’d think the Democratic governor would want to knock of this obstreperous retrograde Republican holdover. _________________ Here is the BFC update. In this issue: * Update from…

  • The Druids returned to the Lamar for the first time since late June. Although their visit may have been brief, Kathie Lynch describes it all. Her report. – – – – – Copyright By Kathie Lynch. Just when I was wondering what excitement I’d write about for a late summer wolf report, the Druid Peak…

  • Retiring elk tender defends feeding. By Cat Urbigkit, Casper Star-Tribune correspondent. One of the reasons Wyoming government officials want to all but wipe out Wyoming wolves is that they chase and kill elk on these unnatural feedlots. The feedlots were created so the elk would not compete with the “sacred cattle” of Wyoming during the…

  • Kathie Lynch sent this story to me on July 21. I was in Yellowstone at the time. The scene for watching the wolves was perfect — sit in the shade at the Otter Creek picnic area and wait for them to appear on the other side of the Yellowstone River about 175 yards away. Kathie’s…

  • This story in the Tooele (TA will a) Transcript Bulletin brings some perspective on the Utah bear attack. The same is true in Idaho where there are also wolves. Bear maulings in the form of grizzly bear reactions and bison gorings change the equation a bit in Wyoming. The most dangerous large animal by far…

  • Kathie Lynch has sent a report for June 17-23, 2007. It follows. Thanks Kathie! There is not too much to report from Yellowstone right now as the wolf watching has been pretty quiet. We see the occasional Agate Creek adult traveling by in their traditional Antelope Creek den area. And, we have occasional Slough Creek…

  • Post 1181 Kathie Lynch just sent me her Memorial Day wolf watching report, actually it is a couple days old because I went driving, hiking, and camping in the Beaverheads/Lemhis on, and near the Idaho/Montana border. No wolf observations, but lots of elk and pronghorn. I want to thank “BE” for watching my web page…


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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