Search results for: “Ken Salazar”

  • For immediate release – March 8, 2010 Contact: Jon Marvel, Executive Director, Western Watersheds Project – 208-788-2290 Laird Lucas, Executive Director, Advocates for the West – 208-870-7621 In response to the announcement on Friday March 5 by Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar that the listing of greater sage-grouse and two of its distinct population…

  • ~ Jon Marvel Friends, Today, in response to successful litigation brought by Western Watersheds Project and our attorneys at Advocates For The West, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced Greater Sage Grouse would not be protected by listing the species under the protections of the Endangered Species Act. The Secretary did acknowledge that listing…

  • Obama’s supposed list of new national monuments was just a DOI brainstorming session- Last week Fox News reported with bells and whistles that the President might create a large number of new national monuments on federal land in Western States. I didn’t bother to link to the story because the leaked document clearly looked some…

  • Obama asked for executive order- This is clearly something the President could do quickly to rehabilitate his tarnished image on wildlife. Ironically, it was President Richard Nixon who in 1972 issued Executive Order 11643 banning the use of poisons to control predators on Federal land. Reagan later weakened this. In addition, there is plenty of…

  • Suit Filed to Challenge Removal of Endangered Species Act Protection From Northern Rockies Wolves For Immediate Release, June 2, 2009 MISSOULA, Mont.— Conservation groups today filed suit to challenge the removal of Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in Idaho and Montana. On April 2, 2009, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service dropped the…

  • Robert G. Stanton will be Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Policy, Management, and Budget- Stanton was National Park Director under Clinton Here is the news release from the Department of Interior: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today appointed former National Park Service Director Robert G. Stanton as Deputy Assistant…

  • BLM Resource Management Litigation hits “World News” Update May 13:  The Salt Lake Tribune publishes an important Editorial on the recent news: Saving sage grouse : A funny-looking bird that fluffs its feathers to dance an elaborate mating rite just might be able to accomplish what well-funded environmental groups have been struggling to do for…

  • Decision shocks environmentalists, brings glee to the hearts of industry responsible for climate change The Obama Administration upheld Bush’s industry-friendly, obstructionist interpretation of the Endangered Species Act when Obama’s rancher Interior Secretary, Ken Salazar, issued a decision refusing to consider ESA regulation of carbon emissions, the chief threat to the listed Polar Bear. No global…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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