Search results for: “public lands grazing”

  • Thurston County Superior Court has ruled in favor of Dr. Steve Herman and Western Watersheds Project deciding that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) violated the State Environmental Protection Act when issuing grazing permits on its state wildlife areas without undergoing environmental analysis.  The state and Washington Cattleman’s Association had claimed that such…

  • This loss highlights the importance of genetic interchange and landscape-level habitat preservation The Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit has been listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act but efforts to restore the bunny have been unsuccesful.  Even efforts at maintaining as much of the Columbia Basin ancestory/gene by interbreeding with Idaho pygmy rabbits are not…

  • Weiser sheep rancher tells Idaho lawmakers Forest Service threatens his livelihood Brian Murphy – Idaho Statesman Sheepherder Ron Shirts has appealed to the Idaho Senate to intervene and give him special consideration above the interests of the public, wildlife, and the Nez Perce Tribe. Shirts complains that his livelihood is threatened because the Payette National…

  • Buffalo Field Campaign update from the field- Gallatin National Forest Approves Horse Butte bison trap, WTF! Montana begins killing elk to appease livestock interests- Although BFC is on my blogroll (down in the right column of the blog), I haven’t posted one of their “updates from the field” lately. Here is a slightly abridged version.…

  • Finally, will someone get what they deserve for killing a rare Mexican wolf? See the news release below. Ralph Maughan – – – – – – – For more information, contact: Rob Edward, WildEarth Guardians, (303) 573-4898 x 762 Greta Anderson, Western Watersheds Project, (520) 623-1878 Dave Parsons, The Rewilding Institute, (505) 275-1944…

  • Groups want lethal control programs ended- Here is the news release: WILLIAMS, Ore.– Today, 115 conservation, animal protection, ranching, and faith-based organizations submitted a letter to Tom Vilsack, the Agriculture Secretary nominee, urging him to end the federal government’s systematic killing of wildlife, including wolves, coyotes, bears, cougars, and prairie dogs. Members of the coalition…

  • End of year donations will keep Western Watersheds Project going strong ! WWP is funded by the financial contributions of our members, and without your help we could not carry out our critically important and successful work to protect and restore western watersheds and wildlife. Nothing speaks more clearly than a good photograph about why…

  • This winter begins like last with cougars on campus- The cougars haven’t harmed anyone, but, of course, their presence on campus worries people. The following announcement came over Idaho State University email Nov. 4. Idaho Fish and Game officials have set a cougar trap on campus after a possible sighting Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 4.  The…

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