Recently the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission approved new smoke rules that relax air quality standards to permit more prescribed burning. The assumption behind the new standards is that greater prescribed burning in spring and fall will reduce smoke from wildfires in the summer. Prior to the new regulations, agencies doing prescribed burning had minimal windows…
In a recent commentary “Working to Improve Forest Health” posted by James Cummings of the Boone and Crockett Club mistakenly assumes that current wildfires are somehow “abnormal” and a sign of unhealthy forests. Then, since he creates a problem where none exist, he prescribes more active management in the form of logging/thinning as the means…
The Upper Green River grazing allotment on the Bridger Teton National Forest (BTNF) lies between the Gros Ventre Range and Wind River Range. The allotment is one of the most important wildlife habitats outside of Yellowstone National Park. Indeed, the Upper Green’s wildlife habitat quality has been compared to Yellowstone’s famous Lamar Valley. Among…
Wyoming Game and Fish’s Latest Attempt to Close the Book on the Mark Uptain Tragedy By Maximilian Werner [Ed. note] This story follows that of Oct. 30, 2018, “The Rhetoric and Reality of Death by Grizzly.” On January 22nd, Wyoming Game and Fish released its second official report on the tragic death of hunting guide…
INTRODUCTION The Gallatin Range lies between Bozeman and the northwest corner of Yellowstone National Park. Whether to advocate for Wilderness designation for as much of the range that qualifies or supports less restrictive, and consequently less protective designations is an on-going discussion. Wilderness is the “Gold Standard” for land protection, and I contend that if…
Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above Don’t fence me in Let me ride through the wide open country that I love Don’t fence me in Let me be by myself in the evenin’ breeze And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees Send me off forever but I ask…
NEWPORT, OR — Despite the government shutdown, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has continued to accept new drilling permit applications and requests for site inspection at proposed oil and gas wells. Since December 22, when the shutdown began, a BLM database has posted notice of new proposed oil and gas wells in Alaska, Montana, New Mexico, and…
An article in the Nov. 9 Bulletin reported that due to low water reserves, the Bureau of Reclamation that controls water release from Prineville Reservoir might limit flows in the Crooked River to preserve water for irrigators to the detriment of fish and the Crooked River’s aquatic ecosystem. A number of other recent commentaries…