Search results for: “public lands grazing”

  • Resistance to the scientific consensus of the existence of climate change is waning ~ politicized prescriptions for inaction and for the relaxation of public environmental laws takes its place. Last week, federal and state wildlife and public land managers gathered to talk about global warming and the effects it will have on western land and…

  • After a long battle the late Wayne Hage has won in the U.S. Court of Claims. Judge Loren A. Smith awarded $4.2 million to Hage’s estate. The defendant was the U.S. Forest Service. Rancher Hage was a “sagebrush rebel” with a ranch in a remote Nevada Valley. He eventually married Helen Chenoweth, a controversial far…

  • PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS VIOLATED BY LIVESTOCK AGENTS HAZING WILD BISON: Property Owners Welcome Bison, Not DOL, on Cattle-Free Horse Butte FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – May 29, 2008 Press Contacts: Janae & Rob Galanis, 406-646-4848 Ed & Vicky Millspaugh, Hebgen Lake Estates, 406-646-9176, (cell) 406-580-0321 Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-646-0070 WEST YELLOWSTONE, MT – With…

  • Over the last 5 days, information about bills to protect the Wyoming Range, Snake River, deal with the Owyhee Country, etc. have been dribbling out. May 7 was a big day for this kind of legislation in the U.S. Senate Committee. A lot of it was minor, but not all. I don’t just mean the…

  • The news release below was posted March 4. This morning, this article appeared in the Billings Gazette. Activists try to stop bison hazing. By Mike Stark. Billings Gazette. The headline is poorly descriptive. – – – – – – – – For release. March 4, 2008 Contact: Timothy Preso, Earthjustice, (406) 586-9699 Michael Mease, Buffalo…

  • Last summer, the Murphy fire burned a huge swatch of the Owyhee country in SW Idaho (and northern Nevada). Ever since the BLM has been under intense pressure to do the wrong things such as graze lands that burned rather than let them recover. Some of the ranchers here have very high political connections. The…

  • Robert Hoskins wrote an interesting essay on the origins, evolution, and contradictions in wildlife law. He emailed it to me for consideration as a post. I think folks will find it very interesting. ______________ “The Curious Legal History of the Original Outlaws” by Robert Hoskins [Note: I originally published this essay in the May 1998…

  • Earlier, I posted this as a comment, but I think the issue is important enough this it be a post. – – – – – I don’t think people realize that the western livestock industry and many outfitters have a mindset that does not value wildlife at all. All animals, including wildlife, are valued only…

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