Search results for: “Public lands”

  • Two hundred fervently oppose Idaho gaining control of U.S. public lands- Saying that Idaho could not manage the national forests and BLM lands of the federal government, sportsmen who came to Boise on Feb. 12 were adamant they did not want the state to even try. Those rallying held that Idaho would have to sell off the lands, greatly reducing…

  • Was it trespass, or is it really punishing WWP for exposing that truth? In the matter of Frank Ranches, et al. (more ranches) versus Johnathan Ratner, individually and in his capacity in Western Watersheds Project and Western Watersheds Project (WWP), there have been a number of motions: a WWP motion to dismiss, the plaintiff’s response in opposition…

  • More Buffalo Shipped to Slaughter Leaving Stephens Creek Bison Trap Empty. Death Count Passes 400- News Release Contact: Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-646-0071, Mike Mease, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-646-0071, Yellowstone National Park, Gardiner Basin, Montana. Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) patrols reported this morning that they witnessed three tribal stock trailers leaving Yellowstone’s Stephens…

  • Press release   Contact: Stephany Seay, Buffalo Field Campaign, 406-640-0109,   Yellowstone National Park. Gardiner Basin, MT.  Since Wednesday an estimated 200 of America’s last wild, migratory buffalo have been crammed into tribal stock trailers at Yellowstone National Park’s Stephens Creek bison trap.  The bison have been taken to tribal slaughter facilities by tribal…

  • The plan to take away our public lands has its best chance ever with this new Congress. Here is some recent news from various places. In Utah, Ex-secretary of Interior Babbit denounces the land grab- In Salt Lake City, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbit has denounced Utah’s role in the effort to seize…

  • Last year I learned that anti-predator activists were organizing a predator killing derby to take place in Salmon, Idaho – a place smack dab amidst one of the largest and most breathtakingly diverse public landscapes in the country. A few of us infiltrated the event with the aim of exposing the extent of the depravity…

  • In 2008 at a Bureau of Land Management Oil and Gas lease auction Tim DeChristopher bid on 14 parcels of land (totaling 22,500 acres) for $1.8 million that he had no intention of buying. The FBI arrested him and charged him with a two-count felony indictment. DeChristopher was branded an “eco-terrorist.”  Even though the very…

  • “The middle of the road is where the white line is – and that’s the worst place to drive.” Robert Frost The recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA H.R. 3979): signed into law by President Obama is being hailed by many green groups as a big win for conservation. Some suggest it…


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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