Search results for: “bear”

  • Good News for the Portneuf River and Pebble Creek’s fish and wildlife- The Portneuf River is one of two major streams in Southeast Idaho. The other is the Bear River. Both have been much abused. All of the former clean water tributaries to the Portneuf of any important volume no longer flow into it. There…

  • Republican Hill sees wildlife in terms of hunting; Democrat Bullock takes a more expansive view of the value of wildlife- The view of governors on wildlife makes a big difference because wildlife management is the province of the states except for endangered species and some marine mammals. Montana’s Democrat  and current attorney general Steve Bullock…

  • I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees. It seems more and more there are fewer conservation organizations who speak for the forest, and more that speak for the timber industry. Witness several recent commentaries in Oregon papers which are by no means unique. I’ve seen similar themes from other conservation groups in the…

  • The late wildfire season moves to the Pacific Northwest- This year’s great Western wildfire season began in Arizona and New Mexico with huge fires in May and June.  These are now out and the states have had a nice and wet summer monsoon season. Fires then moved to Utah, Colorado, and then to the more…

  • Grizzly bear was wounded by bullets. How badly? For the second time this month a grizzly bear and hunters have had a confrontation over an elk shot in the Idaho elk archery hunt.  Unlike the last incident where the bear bit a hunter and ran off, this time the hunters apparently fired numerous bullets at…

  • Washington border wolf pack clearly has become beef eaters- The controversy over the Wedge wolf pack began in a muddle — what is really going on? Now, however, it is clear they are eating beef, perhaps mostly beef. As a result, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has issued an order to kill all…

  • Has the dry summer depleted her food? Grizzly bear 610 and her 3 cubs are usually in the southern part of Grand Teton Park, but she rarely leaves. The Jackson Hole News and Guide reports, however, that bear 610, who is herself the daughter of another famous bear 399, took her 3 cubs and moved…

  • A Tale of Two Wolves- By © Kathie Lynch This is the story of two Yellowstone wolves, Lamar Canyon alpha 832F (“The ’06 Female”) and Blacktail disperser 777M. One continues to live an amazing life and one has died a valiant death. Each epitomizes what it means to live life to the fullest, risking all for…


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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