Search results for: “sage grouse”

  • WWPblog has a story about many of the threats to sage grouse. Here’s a link to the West Nile concerns This just goes to show how important rehab efforts after the fire will be to get these birds, and a host of other wildlife, proper habitat. Siberian wheat-grass, another non-native very similar to Crested Wheat,…

  • Judge urged to toss ruling that denied sage grouse protection. By Todd Dvorak. AP writer. The oil and gas industry, Farm Bureau, and assorted developers seem to feel immensely threatened by efforts to conserve the sage grouse and with it the remainders of the former “sagebrush sea” of the West. It may be that once…

  • Bill Schneider writes about the dilemma wildlife managers have in conserving the sage grouse, a species that absolutely depends on large, and largely undisturbed tracts of sagebrush for survival. It it clear the energy companies are driving the beautiful bird to extinction and the ESA clearly should stop them. However, these are the oil companies…

  • The vast sea of sagebrush in the West has been badly disrupted by livestock grazing, the spread of highly flammable cheat grass, and developments. The sage grouse and many other sagebrush species are in trouble. Story in the Idaho Statesman. post 1023

  • The five long versions of everything the agency did wrong with the Final Environmental Impact Statements “amending” the existing Obama-era sage-grouse land use plans can be found by state on WWP’s website:  Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Nevada. The short version is this: The agency didn’t just take away over 200,000 acres of protected areas (mostly in Wyoming) and rearrange…

  • The Challis and Salmon BLM of central Idaho appear to be ready to destroy much of the sage grouse habitat in the Lemhi, Pahsimeroi, and Lost River valleys, ironically in the name of protecting sage grouse. As an ecologist, and someone who has studied both sagebrush and sage-grouse ecology, I find the proposal to crush…

  • by Erik Molvar, Western Watersheds Project The Trump administration has just launched a process to dismantle the greater sage-grouse land-use plan amendments that were put in place in 2015 to avert an Endangered Species listing for the bird. The emerging consensus is that this move undermines wildlife conservation, and represents yet another attack on science,…

  • Stale data, failure to improve poor habitat conditions doom grazing project For immediate release, August 1, 2017 Media contact: Greta Anderson, Western Watersheds Project (520) 623-1878; BOISE, Ida. – Today, in a sharply worded rebuke to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an administrative law judge granted Western Watersheds Project’s appeal of a 2013 grazing permit…

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