Search results for: “Public lands”

  • A rundown on the anti-wildlife, pro livestock things sneaked into the new U.S. budget just signed into law- By now, everyone has heard about yesterday’s passage of a $1.1 trillion budget bill. But it’s unlikely that many people have heard about anti-wildlife, pro-grazing details that are hiding there. Special interests always seem to get their…

  • Magistrate Judge Candy Dale has scheduled a hearing to be conducted by telephone at 9:30 am this morning to hear testimony on the litigation that was filed by several groups challenging the US Forest Service’s decision not to require a special use permit for the 2-day wolf and coyote killing contest scheduled to be held…

  • Already 6 dogs caught and one grizzly bear- There is probably even more by catch than reported below in Montana’s second wolf trapping season, which just began. In addition to last year’s by catch, wolf traps took a tremendous toll on Yellowstone Park wolves that wandered across the Park’s straight line border.  Not reported, it…

  • Yellowstone Bison *SPECIAL ALERT! November 18, 2013 The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will be considering a bill this week that will have a devastating impact on western public lands, native wildlife and especially wild buffalo. The “Grazing Improvement Act,” S. 258, is a nightmare for wild buffalo. As many of you already know,…

  • Allan Savory is an advocate for the livestock management system known as, Holistic Management (HM). He is a former member of the Rhodesian Parliament (now Zimbabwe) and has made his living as a consultant with the Savory Institute. He is best known for his recent appearance as a TED speaker where he made a number…

  • What’s a good news topic when we have a knife at our throats? This week ended, maybe for just a couple months. one of the gravest threats in American history. Many who  superficially follow politics obviously saw the engineered near default on the public debt of the United States as politics as usual. Others called it “partisan…

  • WOLF KILLING MAKES MOCKERY OF NORTH AMERICAN MODEL OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Many state wildlife agencies and organizations promote the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (NAMWC) as a guiding philosophy for management.  There are seven major themes to the model. Despite the promotion of NAMWC, there are many apparent contradictions between the ideal and how…

  • We’ve seen it numerous times before when a member of Congress votes against funding their local district or state relies on, but then turns in a posture that says someone else was responsible and their local project could be run for free. Wyoming Republican Senator John Barasso and Wyoming’s lone U.S. House member Cynthia Lummis…


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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