Search results for: “bear”

  • Hyperphagia and hunting season relates to more grizzly/human encounters- Hyperphagia is period of intensive feeding by grizzly bears before hibernation. They will consume as much food as possible to make it through their period of hibernation. We are now entering the start of that period, one that results in more encounters with humans, now that…

  • The resumption of wolf-hunts in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming illustrates why citizens must continue to oppose such unnecessary and senseless slaughters. The wolf-hunts are predicated upon morally corrupt and inaccurate assumptions about wolf behavior and impacts that are not supported by recent scientific research.  State wildlife agencies pander to the lowest common denominator in the…

  • Epic wildlife battle takes place under the moonlight by cabin in small town next to Yellowstone Park- Some people have great luck, I wish I could have been at this man’s cabin. In case you don’t know Silver Gate, Montana (permanent population about 20), it is a tiny and very old town right at the…

  • Kathie Lynch reports on bounty of summer life among the wolves, bison, elk, bears and vegetation of Yellowstone Park- Story copyright © Kathie Lynch 2011 There is only one word to describe the beauty of Yellowstone in summer: breathtaking! After winter’s world of eternal white, the colors of early summer’s palate leap at your eye–grass green,…

  • GB399 gives one of her cubs to her daughter, 610? These famous Grand Teton bears just became more famous with the apparent movement of one of 399’s cubs to that of her grown daughter, 610; who already has two cubs of the year. Grizzly Sows Apparently Swap A Cub In Grand Teton National Park. By…

  • Critical high altitude pine has been nearly wiped out by beetles, fire, blister rust- These trees with fat rich nuts are already getting federal government attention, but mortality is even worse than thought. The large majority of whitebark grow on U.S. public lands. The work will concentrate on protecting existing stands using pheromones to confuse…

  • You can insure against a bear breaking into your rig and much more- In addition to insurance against collision many other things can damage or destroy your vehicle. It has happened to me. Rock slides, falling trees, big hail stones, you name it! For those who travel to use the outdoors for hunting/wildlife viewing, photography,…

  • Happy photographers, traffic jams, a bit of danger, and an opportunity for a screw-up- Mead Gruver of the Associated Press has a new story on these famous roadside bears. – – – – Previously, Friends of bears smile as 399′s daughter shows up with two cubs


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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