Search results for: “bison”

  • Lawsuit tries to permanently derail plan to let bison use Gardiner Basin in the winter. Early last spring bison were suddenly allowed to use the Gardiner Basin just north of Yellowstone Park for the first time in over a generation. State, federal and tribal officials signed what was to be a landmark agreement to let…

  • Livestock owners’ wild imagination about predators not limited to the West- Here is a little time out from the yarns and tales they spin in the Western United States about the vicious predators’ amazing feats of carnage.  Supposedly a 10-member  coyote pack  came into a bison enclosure where there were 14 bison and somehow drove…

  • This week Western Watersheds Project and Buffalo Field Campaign filed to intervene in the lawsuit brought by Park County and the Park County Stockgrowers Association which oppose the state plan which would allow bison to use the Gardiner Basin south of Yankee Jim Canyon for part of the winter without being constantly hazed, captured, and…

  • Jackson Hole Weekly has feature article on the annual ritual of stupidity, malice, and waste of money- Every May the Montana’s Department of Livestock, and employees from various other Montana and federal agencies haze bison deep into Yellowstone Park.  During the winter, the bison migrate westward out of the Park to graze and give birth…

  • Here is a news release from the Buffalo Field Campaign. Don’t know if the bison were exactly stolen, but there was no public comment when it looks like they should have had one, and whole idea of birth control for bison or any wildlife is controversial. Ralph Maughan THREATENED WITH POPULATION CONTROL USDA-APHIS Intends to…

  • Judge who singlehandedly stopped years-in-making decision to let bison roam, not acceptable, says FWP- Finally, after years, state and federal government agencies agreed to let bison begin to roam the Gardiner Basin just north of Yellowstone Park, but Park County district judge Nels Swandal sided with the Park County Stockgrowers Association to put the landmark…

  • Park County, Montana judge issues a temporary restraining order to prevent bison from roaming Gardiner Basin– This means trouble for the bison just released from the pens on the north boundary of Yellowstone Park. I see they are still playing the brucellosis card and the new Old West favorite, We’re scared of the animals!! Park…

  • Montana Bison ‘managers’ kill calf north of West Yellowstone- Bison are now allowed to leave the Park to the west in the winter at Horse Butte, but they are supposed to be back in the Park at an abnormally early time. This year the Park is still under snow. The brutal Montana Department of Livestock…


Dr. Ralph Maughan is professor emeritus of political science at Idaho State University. He was a Western Watersheds Project Board Member off and on for many years, and was also its President for several years. For a long time he produced Ralph Maughan’s Wolf Report. He was a founder of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. He and Jackie Johnson Maughan wrote three editions of “Hiking Idaho.” He also wrote “Beyond the Tetons” and “Backpacking Wyoming’s Teton and Washakie Wilderness.” He created and is the administrator of The Wildlife News.

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