Search results for: “logging”

  • The snag forests that result from high-severity blazes are a unique and critical habitat for numerous species. Photo George Wuerthner I was backpacking with a friend up the Yellowstone River in the Teton Wilderness of Wyoming a couple of years ago. At various times, we passed through areas that had burned severely, likely in the…

  • A recent study claims active management can preclude large blazes like the Dixie Fire pictured here. Photo George Wuerthner  A recent paper Forest restoration and fuels reduction work: Different pathways for achieving success in the Sierra Nevada has gotten a lot of press in the California news media. The researchers claim that “active treatments,” including…

  • Lochsa River on the Nez Perce Clearwater NF, Idaho. Photo George Wuerthner  The Nez Perce Clearwater National Forests in central-northern Idaho contain more wildlands than almost any other national forest in the lower 48 states. Recently, the Forest released its forest plan on November 28, 2023, which will determine the management for the next 10-30…

  • Old growth forest along the Salmon River, Oregon. Photo George Wuerthner The Wall Street Journal’s December 21, 2023, editorial board wrote that Biden’s New Forest Plan will “lead to more uncontrolled fires—and won’t help the climate.” The WSJ is upset that the Biden Administration plans to ban logging of old-growth forests on national forest lands,…

  • The Camp Fire that destroyed Paradise, California, was an urban blaze driven by high winds. Photo George Wuerthner  A new paper, “Wildlands-urban fire disasters aren’t a wildfire problem,” published in PNAS, challenges traditional approaches to wildfire management strategies. The researchers note that most of the large blazes that destroyed homes, including Lahaina, Hawaii, Talent and…

  • Severe deforestation on the Wallowa Whiteman National Forest, Oregon justified by fire scar reconstructions. Photo George Wuerthner  One of the biggest problems, and also a source of disagreements in wildfire discussions, stems from the use of different temporal and spatial scales. What may seem like excessive wildfire under one set of temporal and spatial assumptions…

  • The Stillwater River is one of the numerous river segements in the Montana Headwaters Legacy Act. Photo George Wuerthner    On November 16th, Senator John Tester reintroduced the Montana Headwaters Legacy Act that would designate 384 miles of rivers and streams under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act in the northern portion of the Greater…

  •      Tracy Arm and Ford’s Terror Wilderness, Tongass NF, Alaska. Photo George Wuerthner  A new paper, Southern Alaska’s Forest Landscape Integrity, Habitat, and Carbon Are Critical for Meeting Climate and Conservation Goals, published in AGU Advances, outlines the reasons why Alaska’s Tongass and Chugach National Forests should be given protection as carbon reserves. Both…


George Wuerthner is an ecologist and writer who has published 38 books on various topics related to environmental and natural history. He has visited over 400 designated wilderness areas and over 200 national park units.

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