Search results for: “bear”

  • More grizzlies than thought in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem The grizzly bear DNA study that Senator John McCain often ridiculed out of ignorance has shown that there are many more grizzly bears in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem than previously estimated. The technique is effective enough that individual bears can be recognized and the…

  • APHIS putting residents of Horse Butte at risk for a pointless study From yesterday’s Buffalo Field Campaign Weekly Update [emphasis is mine]: Along Yellowstone’s western boundary, the Duck Creek, Cougar Creek and Madison River corridors are flowing with the migration of the country’s last wild buffalo.  Buffalo families, solitary bulls, and bachelor bull groups beautifully…

  • Conservationists accuse each other of distorting elk and wolf data. This article is about the recent public fight between the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Defenders of Wildlife. I think part of the reason that the feud has heated up is because of the use of words like “annihilation” when referencing wolves and elk. I…

  • Reported sightings in the Cascades of Washington State lead to funding to search for grizzlies. There have been reported sightings of grizzly bears for many years in the Cascades of Washington but very little has been confirmed. As the article states, grizzly bears don’t usually disperse long distances like wolves do so colonizing new areas…

  • Accuses groups of being party to may become “one of the worst wildlife management disasters since the destruction of bison herds in the 19th Century.” I’m not going to say much more about this other than to observe that RMEF seems to be adopting the same type of hyperbole that they accuse the pro wolf…

  • Alberta’s griz population has already collapsed, B.C.’s grizzly hunt quota too high- Pitiful Alberta now has fewer grizzly bears now than Montana does, and scientists say that B.C. is going the same direction, most directly affecting Montana in the North Fork of Flathead. Scientists say B.C. grizzly hunt could hurt recovery efforts in Montana. By…

  • Shades of Steven Colbert- No more grizzlies ! Protesters scream for grizzly blood. By Darcy Henton and Jamie Hall, in the Vancouver Sun. Related Time running out for Alberta’s dwindling grizzlies. Minister mulls reinstating spring hunt even as gov’t report recommends bears be listed as threatened species. By Darcy Henton, Edmonton Journal

  • There is a difference though. Now they are waking up and going well out onto the plains- We discussed this a lot last fall, with grizzly bears pushing eastward out of the Rockies well onto the plains of north central Montana.  One almost made it to the Missouri River (shades of Lewis and Clark!). Montana…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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