Search results for: “bear”

  • New path essentially creates a new road near Bear Lake Rancher admits that they departed from the approved route, which had an old fenceline already cut, because they didn’t want to go through the Forest Service process of getting it changed. “It’s just completely ridiculous, the process they have,” Wamsley says. The new route cuts…

  • Four pack members were killed. Which pack or packs did the other 5 wolves come from? Defenders of Wildlife is disputing with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. It does appear that at least some pups from the Cottonwood Pack are left. Maybe some adults survive too. Strictly speaking the Cottonwood Pack has pretty much always…

  • Rest of state opens up as well as Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness which had an emergency closure- The quota is 75, of which12 have already been killed. Montana resumes big-game wolf hunt on Sunday. By the Associated Press. Although only 3 more wolves can be taken in the Wilderness area just north of the YNP boundary, if…

  • The 3 cubs were in good shape and couldn’t be trapped. In addition, there is yet another sow with 3 cubs in the area! Rather than some marginal glade far from grizzly country (the Eldorado Grove), this sounds like grizzly central at this time of year where the bears are fat and cubs do well.…

  • Hunters survive night attack in Purcell Mountains. Hiked 5 kilometers back to truck after attack- Two lucky hunters survived what sounds to me like a half-hearted predatory attack by a female grizzly. There is evidence that they had been followed by two grizzlies earlier that day. I say “half-hearted” because they would not have survived…

  • Study indicates 5000 mature individuals are needed for population viability Conservation Targets Too Small To Stop Extinction RedOrbit This determination could have profound implications for the protection of many species. Many biologists use a number of 2000 individuals in a population for maintenance of viable populations over the long term. In the Northern Rockies the…

  • Greater Yellowstone Coalition’s attorney calls Servheen’s statement to the court “absurd”- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is asking judge Molloy to reverse his decision to put the Yellowstone area grizzly back on the threatened species list. The coordinator of the federal grizzly recovery program, Chris Servheen, controversial long-time coordinator of the Yellowstone grizzly record…

  • There are going to be predators. Do you want a few big ones, or lots of smaller ones? Loss of top predators causing surge in smaller predators, ecosystem collapse. Oregon State University news lease on research by Dr. William Ripple. My comments . . . Although in a few places such as Idaho and Montana…


Ken Cole is a 5th generation Idahoan, an avid fly fisherman, wildlife enthusiast, and photographer. He is the interim Idaho Director for Western Watersheds Project.

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