Search results for: “Public lands”

  • Obama willing to waste billions of dollars to destroy the natural environment, less willing to spend a pittance to conserve it In a recent email from Vice President Joe Biden, the White House chose, among the umpteen thousand examples of government waste, a federally funded Desert Tortoise website as its whipping-boy to highlight what it…

  • Recently, Western Watersheds Project won a court victory halting corporate livestock ranching on 450,000 acres on the Jarbidge Field Office, BLM in southern Idaho. It was a sweet victory for sage grouse, wildlife, and other environmental values in southern Idaho – but it may or may not be short-lived. Later this month, the Idaho U.S.…

  • Centralized corporate solar energy is green? not a chance! Story on testimony by Frank de Rosa, First Solar executive. Arizona Daily Star. This guy sounds just like an oil company executive with his complaints that they can’t just bulldoze wildlife and vegetation on our public lands. We need to kill this kind of solar energy…

  • For those looking for a laugh, the Idaho Statesman‘s relentless infatuation with Cowboy Custom & Culture never fails to disappoint: Documenting the Idaho buckaroo way of life – The Idaho Statesman Owyhee County rancher Paul Nettleton adds that “cowboys dance in bars and ride in rodeos. Buckaroos herd cows day in and day out. They’re…

  • Here is a news release from the Buffalo Field Campaign. Don’t know if the bison were exactly stolen, but there was no public comment when it looks like they should have had one, and whole idea of birth control for bison or any wildlife is controversial. Ralph Maughan THREATENED WITH POPULATION CONTROL USDA-APHIS Intends to…

  • Suggests government policy/subsidies – not free market – give wildlife conflicting, utility-scale projects an edge over distributed generation NRG Energy CEO David Crane, lead investor in the controversial Ivanpah Solar Thermal Energy Project, discusses why giant utility-scale renewable energy projects are economically viable and what the future might look like for renewables with a reduction…

  • Anti-Wolfer’s Success In An End-Run Delisting of Wolves MUST Ultimately Backfire George Wuerthner wrote this now apt essay over a year ago, published in New West last September, suggesting that should anti-wolf interests succeed in delisting wolves and fail to exercise restraint in killing wolves that it would ultimately backfire. Wolf Restoration is a Challenge…

  • President Obama will sign the bill into law and wolves will no longer enjoy the protection of the Endangered Species Act. The House and Senate passed a budget bill which included the rider to delist wolves in Idaho, Montana and parts of Oregon, Washington, and Utah but leaves the status of wolves in Wyoming unchanged.…

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