
  • Will they become a Canadian threatened species? To many Americans, Canada is still the “great white north” where multitudes of wildlife live in wilderness and “tree huggers” silly enough to want to see a bear or a wolf can go a see one behind almost every tree. The reality is massive development, and especially in…

  • Oilsands’ emissions surpass some countries- Although the oilsands massive pollution has been posted on this blog before, including a video, the magnitude of pollution is amazing. If current trends continue, according the article below, in eleven years they will produce as much greenhouse gas as all the world’s volcanoes. Oilsands’ emissions surpass some countries. By…

  • The garbage dump was a popular local bear watching place- This is a major controversy now in Alberta. Officers ‘massacre’ 12 bears at northern Alberta landfill. Official defends decision to shoot scavengers at landfill. By Karen Kleiss, Edmonton Journal

  • There is going to be a big fight over this rapidly growing development as its external costs become more widely known- Environmentalists setting up anti-oilsands training camp in Calgary.  By Kelly Cryderman, Canwest News Service For more information, here is the blog “Oil Sands Watch.” It has interesting information like “Oil Sands Development Could Claim…

  • Ft. McMurry Catholic Bishop joins with others in condemning what some say is the most environmentally damaging project on the planet- Bishop spurns oilsands development.  Roman Catholic leader wants environmental concerns addressed; industry welcomes debate. Edmonton Journal.

  • Banff: Grizzly at risk again near mountain train tracks- Grizzly at risk again near mountain train tracks. By Jason Markusoff; With Files From Jamie Komarnicki. Calgary Herald.

  • Only 300 grizzlies left in all of Alberta- Montana probably has 3 to 4 times as many grizzlies now as Alberta. Alberta accused of failing grizzlies. Environmental groups demand action on bears. By Kelly Cryderman, with files from Hanneke Brooymans, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald – – – – – – – Related. Continuing development of…

  • Critics: Canada’s oil boom an environmental bust. Extracting oil from Canada’s open-pit mines poses unacceptable risks to the region’s rivers and forests, critics of the projects say. By Rob Gillies. AP. They might strip mine an area as large as New York state. While oil sands does yield a lot of net energy, the ratio…

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