
  • This is a short email that Brian Horejsi sent me on mountain biking and bears. It is a thoughtful review of how mountain biking can have substantial impacts on wildlife. The basic science solidly supports the general claim that bikers and bikes are displacing bears, can contribute to their habituation and are consequently adding negative…

  • 5-milion years ago instead of 600,000 or 130,000 years ago- Recent interest in the relationship between polar bears and brown (grizzly) bears from which they emerged has been fueled by the observation of increasing numbers of polar bear – brown bear hybrids. Our recent article on this produced a number of comments, many of them…

  • Do grizzly bears threaten chickens or do chicken owners threaten grizzly bears? Earlier today we wrote an article about people putting up a lot of new chicken coops in well known NW Montana grizzly bear country.  The result of this is dead grizzly bears when bear “mangers” have the bears put down for eating a…

  • There might be an unusual amount of wolf/mountain lion conflict along the Idaho-Montana border- Liz Bradley, a wolf manager for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has found an unusually high number of wolves killed by cougar in the Bitterroot Mountains near the Montana-Idaho border from Lolo on the north to near the Idaho border on…

  • While on a hike in northern California, Robert Biggs stopped to watch a bear and her cubs.  He was suddenly attacked from behind by a mountain lion and the sow black bear came to his rescue. Bear Saves Robert Biggs From Mountain Lion Attack In California. The Huffington Post

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